Cordyceps in glass

You may remember Wesley Fleming, the glass artist I blogged about last year. It seems he's accomplished a remarkable new piece: a leafcutter ant infected with a parasitic Cordyceps fungus. As far as I know this is the first Cordyceps ever created from glass.

If you'd like to see it in person, this and some of Fleming's other pieces will be on display at the Racine Art Museum this summer.

What is Cordyceps, you ask? Watch:

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Utterly cool, both the art and the Attenborough clip!

Why do they always show Paraponera whenever they want to talk about Cordyceps? I've seen so many pictures of Paraponera being infected, and now this.

Yeah, that's true. I'm guessing it's the sheer size of the ant. Not only are Paraponera super-obvious, most general wildlife photographers can shoot them without the specialized macro gear needed for most ants.

Alex - thanks for posting this!

Apparently paraponera was chosen because the artist has a history with them and has no imagination after having watched that clip. I say that as the artist, of course LOL!

I'm glad no one commented on the liberties I took with the cordyceps, itself ;-)