Photo gallery update: now listed by subfamily

By request, I have now organized the ant photos by subfamily.  This mimics the arrangement from the old site.  For the smug-muggers out there who want to know how it works, I basically set up an "old journal" gallery and put the genus names and links into the caption box.  I used CSS to set all photos to align right.

Also, the Recent Photos feed on my blog (in the right sidebar) has been changed to show new uploads to  That way you can keep an eye on new material as it goes up.  If that's your thing.

Finally, for good measure, below the fold is the full ant genus-by-subfamily directory:

Subfamily Amblyoponinae (dracula ants)

* Adetomyrma

* Amblyopone

* Mystrium

* Onychomyrmex

Subfamily Dolichoderinae (odorous ants)

* Anonychomyrma

* Arnoldius

* Azteca

* Dolichoderus

* Dorymyrmex (cone ants)

* Forelius

* Iridomyrmex

* Leptomyrmex (spider ants)

* Linepithema

* Liometopum (velvety tree ants)

* Ochetellus

* Papyrius

* Philidris

* Tapinoma

* Technomyrmex

* Turneria

The Doryline Section (army ants and relatives) (Aenictinae, Cerapachyinae, Dorylinae, Ecitoninae, Leptanilloidinae)

* Aenictus

* Cerapachys

* Dorylus

* Eciton

* Labidus

* Neivamyrmex

* Nomamyrmex

* Sphinctomyrmex

Ectaheteromorphs (Ectatomminae & Heteroponerinae)

* Ectatomma

* Gnamptogenys

* Heteroponera

* Rhytidoponera

Subfamily Formicinae (field ants, carpenter ants, crazy ants)

* Acropyga (root aphid ants)

* Brachymyrmex (rover ants)

* Calomyrmex

* Camponotus

* Echinopla

* Formica

* Lasius

* Lepisiota

* Melophorus

* Myrmecocystus (honeypot ants)

* Myrmecorhynchus

* Notoncus

* Oecophylla (weaver ants)

* Opisthopsis (strobe ants)

* Paratrechina (crazy ants)

* Polyergus (slave-raiding ants)

* Polyrhachis (spiny ants)

* Prenolepis

* Stigmacros

Subfamily Myrmeciinae

* Myrmecia (bull ants, jack jumpers)

* Nothomyrmecia (dinosaur ants)

Subfamily Myrmicinae (harvester ants, fire ants, fungus-growing ants, etc.)

* Acanthognathus (trap-jaw ants)

* Acromyrmex (leaf-cutting ants)

* Aphaenogaster

* Apterostigma

* Atopomyrmex

* Atta (leaf-cutting ants)

* Cardiocondyla

* Cataulacus

* Cephalotes (turtle ants, gliding ants)

* Crematogaster (acrobat ants)

* Cyphomyrmex

* Epopostruma (trap-jaw ants)

* Eurhopalothrix

* Formicoxenus

* Kalathomyrmex

* Leptothorax

* Manica

* Megalomyrmex

* Meranoplus (shield ants)

* Messor (harvester ants)

* Monomorium

* Mycetarotes

* Mycetosoritis

* Mycocepurus

* Myrmecina

* Myrmica

* Myrmicaria

* Nesomyrmex

* Orectognathus (trap-jaw ants)

* Pheidole (big-headed ants)

* Pheidologeton (marauder ants)

* Podomyrma

* Pogonomyrmex (harvester ants)

* Procryptocerus

* Pyramica

* Sericomyrmex

* Solenopsis (fire ants, thief ants)

* Stenamma

* Strumigenys (miniature trap-jaw ants)

* Temnothorax

* Tetramorium

* Trachymyrmex

* Wasmannia

* Xenomyrmex

Subfamily Ponerinae (hunting ants, trap-jaw ants, etc.)

* Anochetus (trap-jaw ants)

* Centromyrmex

* Dinoponera

* Harpegnathos (jumping ants)

* Hypoponera

* Leptogenys

* Myopias

* Odontomachus (trap-jaw ants)

* Pachycondyla

* Platythyrea

* Plectroctena (snapping ants)

* Simopelta (ponerine army ants)

* Thaumatomyrmex (the miracle ant)

Subfamily Proceratiinae

* Proceratium

Subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae (twig ants)

* Pseudomyrmex

* Tetraponera

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The changes you have made have done the trick. The new site has the feeling of the old site.

By Jack Jumper (not verified) on 08 Sep 2009 #permalink


The link for Ponera seems to be down on your taxonomic list.

By C.M. Wilson (not verified) on 09 Sep 2009 #permalink

Thanks, C. I've not actually uploaded any photos for Ponera yet- that's why the link is dead. I've got a few unprocessed P. pennsylvanica shots on my hard drive, and once those are worked up the link ought to be functional.

Ah that would explain it then, can't wait to see them.

By C.M. Wilson (not verified) on 09 Sep 2009 #permalink