Happenings in the blogosphere

Cyborg beetles.  Seriously.  (h/t Cicindela)

The Other 95% hosts the Circus of the Spineless #35.

Coleopterist, photographer, and author Art Evans launches a new blog called What's Bugging You?

Archetype illustrates the counterintuitive segmentation of ant body parts.

Beetles in the Bush blogs about dung beetles that have kicked the fecal habit.

Some days I wish I could read Hebrew, because this might be the most awesome blog ever, judging from all the ant pix.

More like this

tags: Circus of the Spineless, invertebrates, insects, arachnids, plants, algae, blog carnival Welcome to Circus of the Spineless! This is the migratory blog carnival that specializes in all things spineless, and the contributions that you'll find here range from essays and photoessays, to…
Welcome to the 32nd edition of the Circus of the Spineless. It our distinguished pleasure to be host here at Deep Sea News. To make it easier for you to navigate through 95%+ of the diversity of animal life, I've developed a dichotomous key to help you work through it. Naturalists will undoubtedly…
Penthe pimelia (Tetratomidae) Illinois, USA A couple years back I was working on the Beetle Tree of Life project as a molecular phylogeneticist. My main responsibility was to gather DNA sequence data for several hundred beetles distributed across the spectrum of Coleopteran diversity. As I'm not…
Welcome to the 45th installment of the Circus of the Spineless Blog Carnival. The previous installment of this panoply of boneless metazoans was at Marmorkrebs, and the next edition will be at Life Photo Meme. Please check with the carnival's home for information on how to submit your spineless…

Hi Alex

Appreciate u r visiting in my blog. The mentioned post is about "ant wars". The post trying to view this phenomenon and trying explain what is "ants wars" from ants "view point". More as a group and less as species. The biology diversity is to big and complex to try review all type of aggression in ant world.

I'm not ant exports and I hope I did not make a big mass.

There is not much available information at this issue in the web and books i could find.

U can find more posts in my blog about ants in the following links

About Messor arenarius


About Anochetus bytinskii


About Tarucus balkanicus and Lepisiota sp


Ants mentioned and have photos in other posts and u can find all posts in the link


There more photos at my insects albums.

Here the ants section


U can enlarge the photos by click on the magnifying glass symbol.

If some of the links r not working, please note me


Tks u for the amazing Myrmecos Blog.

Amir Weinstein



Beautiful work! There are some misidentifications, but we ant people can help with those.

My favorite Israeli ant, based on your pictures, Cataglyphis livida!

Mazal Tov!

By James C. Trager (not verified) on 03 Feb 2009 #permalink

Tks James

Miss IDs is unfortunately expected. Not only bcuz ID form photos is limited but I have no any serious ants key for the Israeli fauna and the local experts r not show enthusiasm to help (There heads r deep in the academic world).

So I do my best. As u can see, many photos r without any ID.

ID for itself is not so important but its significant when u want to put the photos and the documentation in the right context.

So I'm sure I miss interesting stories behind the photos bcuz I do not know the ID.

This is pity since I can't use the photos in my blog or others as story makers and this is all what my blog about. To show insects life from the field and contribute to habitat conservation and nature reserve.

Any help with IDs will be appreciate.
