Touring the Audubon Insectarium

New Orleans, January 2009


The first major public exhibit to open in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina was the Audubon Nature Institute's Insectarium.  We took advantage of a lull in our schedule last week to make the pilgrimage to what turns out to be a surprisingly ambitious operation.  It well exceeded our expectations.

The entrance on Canal Street.

The entrance on Canal Street.


Spying on live bumblebees.


Inside the bees' nest.


Yes, educational bits too.


This ant looks familiar.


Not a family exhibit: stick insects have sexual relations in public.


They let non-insects in too.


Another one.


The proud photographer.


A whole room just for metamorphosis.


Complete with incubating pupae.


Ants hidden in plain view.


My favorite room: homage to the tradition of Natural History.


Beetles making a beetle.


Made completely from Asian insects.


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man that looks cool. i need to get my butt down there i guess before another hurricane sweeps it away.

By ihateaphids (not verified) on 20 Jan 2009 #permalink

hmm...guess I will have to check it out! Is there a dress code? ;)

By Anonymous (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

oh anonymous is me...I will own up to the comment

Thankyou for this wonderful blog, beautiful pictures, and visiting the Insectarium!

Much Luv from "The Bug Easy",
