Biotin (Different things to different people)

Biotin is just a vitamin to most of us. To a lot of biologists, though, it plays the unlikely role of some of the strongest glue around.


There are proteins known as avidins that bind biotin so strongly that it's pretty much irreversible. If you stick biotin on something you're interested in, and stick avidin on a solid surface, you've pretty much got a molecular glue that's not going anywhere.


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Biotin and the like will also promote the benzoin condensation when the Nanny State whacks your pee-pee for potential hazards. Let's all be too girly to use cyanide like real men.

Will it case-harden steel? I think not.

Actually, it can be used to case harden steel, historicly, collogeneous materials were used as a carbon source through most of the iron age, all you need is carbon rich, not too volatile material to coat the steel. Bone glue was prefered though.

I am always amazed at how ubiquitous biotin is in biochemical studies. I should really look up a crystal structure of biotin-avidin.

Biotin deficiency - a good reason to avoid raw egg white.

You forgot its most important use: It transfers CO2 molecules in biological systems!

By Ryan Sullivan (not verified) on 05 Mar 2008 #permalink

Yes, I agree with Ryan, as biotin plays an important role in the fatty acid biosynthesis of bacteria.

By Kevin Kuan (not verified) on 10 Mar 2008 #permalink