Eriochrome Black T (Olde-timey titrations)

Eriochrome Black T is one of those chemicals I mostly remember for its name. It's the kind of CSI-ey name that just rolls off the tongue. It has the unusual property of "complexometric" indication.

It's normally blue, but on binding to calcium or magnesium (the divalent cations largely responsible for water hardness), it turns red. I have fond memories of playing with this in my analytical chemistry lab in undergrad. The usual pat explanation is that it's a water hardness indicator (see the movies on that page!). I'm sure it was, at one time, but I have a hard time imagining Joe EPA setting up his buret full of eriochrome black to measure every municipality's water. Anyone know if it's still used?

Have a good weekend.


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Why it is called Eriochrome Black, as it is blue in colour? and what T for is?

By iqbal safi (not verified) on 14 Aug 2011 #permalink

Eriochrome Black T? Isn't that a hip-hop group out of East LA?


Thank you; I'll be here all week. Tip your server! Try the Quorn!

The method is still used, at least in my state.

Do u have the equation of complexation of EBT with Mg??

thank u

Eriochrome Black T is the indicator, not the titrant. Typically you would titrate the solution with a chelator such as EDTA. Once all the Mg and Ca has been complexed by the EDTA, the EBT will turn blue again.
(As an aside, EBT is also known as Solochrome Black.)

whta is "t" in EBT???

By Anonymous (not verified) on 06 Dec 2010 #permalink