Twittering Life's Splendid Riddle

As regular readers may (or may not) have noticed I have not been posting many updates about my book, still tentatively titled Life's Splendid Riddle, lately. The primary reason for that is because other projects have taken up much of my time, but it can also be frustrating trying to find something to say in my occasional progress reports. That's why I have decided to forgo my previous method of posting updates and start tweeting.

When I first heard about Twitter it sounded interesting but not like anything I was intending on signing up for. I am not interesting enough for people to care about my status updates. As I thought about it more, though, I realized that I could use Twitter as a tool to invite you into the room with me as I continue work on my book.

Instead of writing the occasional angst-ridden post about my writing progress I have decided to keep things simple. Whenever I sit down to work on Life's Splendid RIddle I am going to open up Twitter in another window. I will then use it to post occasional thoughts, quotes, tidbits that won't make it into the book, etc. This way I have an incentive to keep working and perhaps can raise some more awareness about the project at the same time. I am not going to mire my Twitter feed with other status updates; it is going to be all about the book.

I am not going to post the entirety of my book on Twitter, but my tweets will act as a window into my experience writing it. I have no idea how this experiment will go, but if you're interested in following my progress you can do so right here. Hopefully I'll see you there!

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Excellent notion. I can't tweet my snow leopard painting, but sticking photos of it on my blog doesn't take much time. Check it out.

That is a great idea... far more productive than what I've been using it for so far, almost nothing. Thanks for being one of my two followers (!), hopefully i'll start using it more, once I can get phone updates working!