
As some of you may recall, about two months ago my apartment was robbed, my digital slr camera being one of the items that was stolen. Since then it has not been found by the police and I'm still struggling with my renter's insurance provider, but yesterday I got news of when my economic stimulus check was coming and this allowed me to purchase a brand new camera!

After looking over some reviews (and keeping in mind what I could actually afford), I decided to go with the Nikon D60, going all-out for a kit that included a 18-55mm lens, a 55-200mm lens, and some other good stuff. I really want to try and learn how to use all the features on this one (I primarily played with the contrast on my old Olympus and little else), and I know I'll get plenty of practice as I've got a long list of places to visit to re-stage some of the photos I lost.

Hopefully my new kit will arrive soon as this weekend I'm going to be headed off to Delaware in an attempt to see some horseshoe crabs during their annual spawning, although I might be a little too early. Even if I am, though, I've got some other plans that will hopefully provide some interesting subject material, and you all should be seeing some brand new "Photo(s) of the Day" up here soon.

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Congrats! It's so exciting to get stuff like that! I just bought myself a biology coloring book...

Not quite as exciting.

Can't wait to see some new photos!

that is one shit-hot camera! I don't think I could ever use all the features on a beast like that, I haven't even used the shutter speed/aperture controls on mine all that much, I rely on the autofocus far too much, bearing in mine my camera cost less than a quarter of that one and isn't SLR, but it does the job good.

By Mo Hassan (not verified) on 13 May 2008 #permalink