Today is The Fifth Blogoversary For Living the Scientific Life

Today's my fifth blogoversary, so suggest a few things for me and my readers to do. My celebrations have been somewhat complicated by the fact that I have a 2-inch diameter blister on the bottom of my foot. Even though I drained it (twice, actually), it is still quite painful to walk on. Boo!

Thanks to a reader, whom I am dragging all around the city with me, here is my celebratory list:


  1. Go to the Whitney Art Museum to see the Edward Hopper Exhibit.
  2. Eat Ice cream.
  3. Walk around Central Park and (hopefully) pick up tickets to see Shakespeare in the Park.
  4. Go to Josh Rosenau's's public presentation tonight (I hope you will join me!)
  5. What we've done so far:

  6. I dragged my reader with me on a three hour Circle Line Cruise around Manhattan last night, snapping photos of the Big Apple with a gorgeous Nikon D40 camera with a 28-200 lens, and a 18-55 lens.
  7. Shared a bottle of Liberty School's 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon last night -- the best cab you can buy for the money!
  8. Visited the roof garden at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and also visited the Temple of Dendur. Planning to return to see the new American Art wing, and to visit the Impressionists, whom I love dearly.
  9. Looked at cameras in Times Square.
  10. Visited the Bronx Zoo to see the birds, but planning to return and indulge in some photography with the new Nikon camera.
  11. Drinks at Central Park's Boathouse Restaurant and Bar.
  12. Ate at the Boat Basin Cafe.
  13. What we plan to do in the next week or so:

  14. Planning to tour the United Nations building tomorrow, after I visit the German Consulate to learn how to emigrate to Germany!
  15. Visit The Statue of Liberty (and climb the inside of the statue) and Ellis Island -- waiting to go on a day when the weather is not too humid and my foot is not too painful.
  16. Visit the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum.
  17. Visit The Cloisters and go on the collections tour and the garden tour.
  18. Visit the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens.
  19. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge towards NYC -- at sunset. With the Nikon.
  20. Walk across the George Washington Bridge.
  21. Visit the main branch of NYPL and go on the tour.
  22. Visit the American Museum of Natural History to see the Global Warming and Extreme Mammals exhibits.
  23. Go to a Yankees game with a rabid baseball fan.
  24. Visit Staten Island -- is there anything there that we should see?
  25. Broadway musical -- any suggestions as to which one we should see? I am tempted to see South Pacific again.
  26. Last but not least, I plan to give away a bunch of books to my readers (list will be published soon). I do ask you to pay postage costs, but otherwise, the book is free to you!

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Staten Island? Why would you ever want to go there haha. It's mainly residential. My suggestion, skip that, and get a coffee and some pasteries at Ferrara's in Little Italy.

And happy blogoversary!

#2, eating ice cream, is an excellent idea. Try the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck, currently located at 17th and Broadway, for a choinkwich (chocolate ice cream and bacon sandwich).

Hope the foot gets better.

Have a lovely day

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 04 Aug 2009 #permalink

Happy blogoversary!

By afarensis, FCD (not verified) on 04 Aug 2009 #permalink

Happy blogoversary Grrl!! If Josh's talk had been on a weekend day, I'd have loved to come by to listen and also say hi to you. Some other time (before you move to Germany!)

Happy blogiversary!

Not much noteworthy stuff to see in Staten Island, but the ferry ride there is free and the ride is a great way to get great views and pictures of lower Manhattan.

I would say try to get to Chinatown if you can too.

Happy blogiversary! Yours is always one of my favorites.


5 years of good, solid, writing. A body of work to be proud of.

That's a helluva lot of walking for a blistered foot - but we always knew you're tough!

Happy b'versary... (do blogs go to kindergarten?)

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 05 Aug 2009 #permalink

Congrats! I've been reading you since your old blog. Love your blog(s)!

By sea creature (not verified) on 05 Aug 2009 #permalink

Happy blogoversary, may you see many more! :D

Happy happy!