Non-Darwinian Bananas

At long last: scientific proof for intelligent design. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, the banana!

As far as I can tell, this guy is serious. He's the Rev. Ray Comfort. Gotta love him. Thanks to Jody Wheeler for bringing it to my attention


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Sigh. Even as a creationist this is an extremely weak/silly argument. I get what he is trying to lead into but it still is crazy ineffective.


WHen this one made the rounds a while back, one wag christened this as argumentum ad bananum which I think nicely describes the silliness that the teleological fallacy leads people to.

By boojieboy (not verified) on 13 Sep 2006 #permalink

Saw this one before. It's really a classic

If all you can pull out of the air for your argument is "this fruit is easy to eat" then you're seriously in trouble.

By DragonScholar (not verified) on 13 Sep 2006 #permalink

Grrr - at work and can't hear what he's saying. Anyone up for a synopsis?

What makes this video even funnier is that apparently wild bananas aren't like that. They're basically an almost inedible mass of seeds. It took a lot of unnatural selection to make bananas the way they are.

By CaptainMike (not verified) on 13 Sep 2006 #permalink

Not only that, but modern bananas (the Cavendish variety) are experiencing a fair degree of trouble thanks to the breeding that went into them. Some researchers even believe the monoculture effect is about to bring about an end to the modern banana.

From New Scientist, 13 May, 2006:

...the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has warned that wild banana species are rapidly going extinct as Indian forests are destroyed, while many traditional farmers' varieties are also disappearing. It could take a global effort to save the bananas' gene pool.
In fact many of the genes that could save the Cavendish may already have been lost, says NeBambi Lutaladio, a plant scientist at the FAO's headquarters in Rome, Italy. One variety that contains genes that resist black sigatoka survives as a single plant in the botanical gardens of Calcutta, he says.

Which would be bad thing, as well a stab at the heart of Rowland's use of the banana as proof of God.

What do these simpletons think when they look at a durian or a pineapple?
Are they not part of the same creation? If so, why are they so goddamn difficult to hold, open, and eat?

Sometimes I wish I wasn't so moral. It would be so easy to take advantage of these morons.

By Ick of the East (not verified) on 13 Sep 2006 #permalink

This is OLD news. I heard this one a year or more ago, via this parody I saw; for which I provide the link here.


  1. is
    perfectly shaped to fit the human hand.
  2. has a point
    at its top for ease of entry.
  3. is curved
    towards the vagina to make the penetration process easy.
  4. has a tab
    at the bottom to hold and control the motion of the banana when
    completely inserted.
  5. just like
    the human penis, it is perfectly shaped for the human vagina.
  6. if held so
    that its curve is pointed upward after insertion, it hits the G-Spot
  7. has a soft
    wrapper so that the delicate lining of the vagina isn't scraped.
  8. has a
    non-slip surface so that you won't lose control of the device while enjoying
    the ride.  (Women, how much do you like it when your man's penis
    keeps slipping out?)
  9. has
    outward indicators of inward content.  Green bananas are the
    hardest, which women seem to prefer, and are required to attain the best
    penetration.  Yellow lets you know that it's getting softer and may
    not be useful for much longer.  Black lets you know that it's a far
    too late to be put in your vagina.  (How many women want a limp,
    mushy penis anyway?)  Keep in mind that these color codes also indicate
    if the banana is suitable for eating.  Just like a vigorous weight
    training workout, overuse of the banana for sexual gratification will
    deplete the body of energy, as well as cause muscle cramps.  Ever
    get a leg (or other body part) cramp during or after sex?  You
    sweat, lose body fluids, and get dehydrated.  Ask anyone with
    knowledge of human physiology and nutrition and you'll learn quickly
    that the banana is the perfect recovery food!
  10. has a
    protective covering to prevent vaginal matter (or fecal matter, in the case
    of god's homosexual children) from spoiling the fruit inside.
  11. has a tab
    at the bottom to facilitate removal of its wrapper.
  12. is
    perforated on its wrapper for easy peeling.
  13. has a
    bio-degradable wrapper for post-coital disposal.
  14. is
    pleasing to taste buds as well as the vagina.
  15. has a high
    potassium content, which quickly alleviates muscle cramps.
  16. has a high
    caloric and carbohydrate content to refuel the body after sexual
By alcoolworld (not verified) on 13 Sep 2006 #permalink

Comfort's Wikipedia entry says, "On the Atheist web podcast "The Hellbound Alleee Show", Comfort admitted that 'the banana thing's kind of tongue in cheek; no-one should really take it too seriously' and conceded the argument to his atheist interviewers after they pointed out that the modern-day banana is a product of selective breeding."