
I'm sure most of my readers remember Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron's evangelistic partner in crime. He's the guy who claims that the fact that a banana fits perfectly in the hand of a monkey is proof of intelligent design (and unlike Paul Nelson, I'm not making that up). Well it turns out that he's in a bit of trouble with the Secret Service:

On June 1st, 2006, Secret Service agents showed up at the office of Great News Network in Dallas, Texas and demanded their entire stock of $1 million dollar gospel tracts that are produced by Ray Comfort's ministry, Living Waters. The tracts are used by Ray Comfort and his co-host Kirk Cameron and have been promoted on their national television program.

Reports were that the Secret Service was going to pay a visit to Comfort's national offices in Bellflower, California and confiscate their entire stock. Apparently someone in North Carolina took one of the $1 million dollar tract to a bank and tried to deposit it into their account.

That will have me laughing all day.

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"Ray Comfort"??? Is that a real name?

Greco, if you're not familiar with RayCo, you must check out these videos. The evolution one is still my favorite. The infamous banana bit isn't far behind.

This is such an awesome story. When it comes to guys like RayCo and KirkCam, I'll make no attempt to hide my schadenfreude.

For the record, I think the Secret Service is acting rather absurdly in this situation. The million dollar bill tract obviously isn't money and they did not make them as counterfeit money. There's no more reason to think that Ray Comfort is engaging in counterfeiting money than the Milton Bradley company is for their Monopoly games. So I think the whole situation is rather ridiculous - but I'm still laughing, especially about the moron who tried to put one in his bank account. That guy should be arrested just for being stupid.

I hesitate to even say it, but surely I'm not the first one to have the thought. Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron? They're the perfect porn star names...

"Ray Comfort" sounds like some kind of fabric softener ("wash your clothes with the revolutionary Ray Comfort"). Or maybe a couch ("the revolutionary design of Ray Comfort...").

Or a gay band.

Not to defend the whole banana and monkey thing, but have you noticed how the groove on the back of a celery stalk seems perfectly "designed" for peanut butter?

I think we may have found the scientific program the DI has been looking for: Intelligent Dietetics. The purposeful arrangement of the parts of foods that suggests, shall we say, a certain non-randomness.

By dogscratcher (not verified) on 03 Jun 2006 #permalink


If this image is a fair representation of the tract, then I don't think the SS is so far out of line demanding that they cease printing the $1 Million Bill tract. It appears to be a determined effort to imitate US currency and make the "bill" look as convincing as possible. Not that I would expect actual prosecution, but I'm not surprised that banks and the Treasury wouldn't want to see any more of these things.

Testimonials from Ray's Big money

"I love these tracts, I put these on the counter in my store and customers ask if they can have some free money?"

"People grab it thinking they found a million dollars instead I pray a seed has been planted."

"The picture above just does not do it justice though. It's much more realistic looking in real life."

"I like to put one sticking out of the atm at the mall and sit back and watch what happens."

"One said that it looked real, except for the "writing on the back.""

"They think it is real money and everyone wants it."

"The printing is outstanding."

Sure sounds like he intends for people to think it is real money.

By Bruce Thompson (not verified) on 04 Jun 2006 #permalink

Still not as good as the Eros that have been issued in Europe...