Not Your Average Science Blogs Post

I note this post from last week, and am flattered that a well known D.C. beacon of social radiance like KAC has deigned to Google me. Furthermore, she's mooting whether I'm worth going on long walks on the beach with (PG version). If she only knew.

It all reminds me of a (modified) Han Solo line: "I don't know, whaddya think? You think a DC socialite and a guy like me..." To which Luke Skywalker quickly countered: "No." But then, he was jealous.

In any event, KAC has also generously agreed to serve as part of the host committee for my upcoming 29th bday party, which I'm having jointly with D.C.-based ScienceBlogging amigo Matt Nisbet on Sept 22 at...where else...Science Club in DC.

We've been pitching this party as an exercise in science geek revelry. Nisbet and I were considering wearing white lab coats--that kind of thing. But given the gossip now flying about, one has to wonder, will the party stick to "just the science" and avoid, er, policy?

Stay tuned....

P.S.: Some people commenting on KAC's site are mysteriously not falling in love with me. But at least they express themselves colorfully. I think this is a vicious attack on my appearance:

Your dork looks like a cross between Tony Dow and Alley Oop. He's got a pre-Saxon British Isles philtrum you could park a Volkswagen in.

People have criticized me in all sorts of ways in this past, but I must say I appreciate the novelty here (especially compared with the Discovery Institute takedown, about which more soon). I had to look up "philtrum" in the dictionary....

P.P.S.: Some longtime "Intersection" readers may have experienced a slight tingling sensation when reading this post, due to my descent into social/gossip blogging (albeit with a scientific twist). I assure you, there are no plans to make this a regular feature. However, while I'm at it, allow me to ask: Where the heck are our science gossip bloggers, anyway? Sounds like a huge opening to me. Someone ought to exploit it. It could be a great new way of furthering the Chris Mooney/Seed magazine uber strategy of making science more hip....

UPDATE: Big Head Rob, another party co-chair, has more. I think he's instigating.....


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7PM till infinity, eh? I just happen to be getting into the Baltimore airport at 11PM on the 22nd (on unrelated business, of course)...

omigod tara you so have to come

seriously, think about it. we'd love to have you. plus, it's SCIENCE CLUB

Furthermore, she's mooting whether I'm worth going on long walks on the beach with (PG version). If she only knew.

The non-PG version is "spongeworthy". So... if she only knew what?

You feel like Luke?? Humph!

**pouts in the corner with the other female fans**


To ERV...I was playing the role of Han, not Luke....

To pough...going to blatantly dodge that one ;>

Having looked at KAC's photo, may I be the first to respectfully say, 'woof woof.'

She is, to coin a phrase, a fox. Personally, if I were you Chris, I'd get outrageously drunk at the party and then ask her out. It worked for me with my girlfriend, and that was six years ago!

Luckily, my girlfriend isn't a nerd, doesn't visit Scienceblogs, and therefore will never find out about my 'woof woof' comment.

Chris, you changed your profile picture. Is it related to this post? Are you the new blog sex symbol?

Steve F--getting "outrageously drunk" is not generally a good way to make a good impression, in my opinion. But that said, I'm glad it worked for you.

RPM/SteveF: Yeah, my old pic was suddenly getting a lot of scrutiny, and it is ancient. I was about 22 in that picture. So I figured it's high time bring things up to date a bit....

I wasn't being entirely serious about getting outrageously drunk! I'm just jealous that I can't go to this party.

Hope you don't intend on being serious with her, she has narcissistic personality disorder and probably borderline too. So long as you keep it casual, fine, don't expect a relationship, as she will be looking around, though she is quite charming. It's an act though. Good luck.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 23 Sep 2006 #permalink