Obama as young Luke Skywalker, Hillary as Darth Vader, Bill as the Emperor, Bill Richardson as Han Solo. This new viral video promoting Obama's candidacy is brilliant and effective humor. Just more evidence as to why Obama is engaging young voters like no other presidential candidate in recent memory.
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This sucks- Osama Obama sucks- psycho Wright sucks, he took his time to denounce his mentor who married him and baptized his brats and who stole a parishioners wife- Mob associate Tony Rezko sucks, he did a phony land deal to get osama his house- the Black September terrorist murdering bomber Bill Ayers who he ass kisses sucks. Anyone who votes for this half white, half African black, half Christian, half muslim traitor is a dope who should be eliminated with extreme prejudice.
Hmm... "brilliant and effective" is hardly the adjectives I would use to describe this artwork. The words that came to mind for me are puerile and trite. I'm not impressed, it's easy to fool the young; the educational system left them without critical thinking skills or fundamental knowledge needed to evaluate this puffery.
But then again, I'm immune to such puffery and appeals to emotion. I dislike both major parties, considering both to be criminal organizations worthy of prosecution under RICO statutes.
That was worth watching just to see Bill Richardson piloting the millenium falcon.