A brief Sunday blog status update

I felt a brief update on the blog status is in order because the National Geographic overlords have actually rolled out some improvements on Friday.

First, the Last 24 Hours feed is reportedly working again, although, quite honestly, when I just checked it it appeared not to be working. The funny thing was, it did appear to be working yesterday. Oh, well.

One good thing that is working is that the tags for the number of comments, Facebook "likes," Tweets, etc., are showing up on the main page of the blog, as they should. I am much happier about this now.

Unfortunately, still missing in action are variable post preview lengths. I like to be able to control the length of the "above the fold" part of my post, because I use that for dramatic effect. Also missing are direct links to comments, the exception being the links in the side bar to "Recent Comments" (or, as I like to call it, "Recent Insolence Returned"). Also not working yet are some of the system-wide categories. For instance, when I apply the "Medicine" category to my posts, they still don't show up reliably in the Medicine feed and haven't since May 28. Meanwhile, the inactive blogs need to be winnowed from the dropdown menu. Hopefully these are among new improvements promised in a week or two.

Finally, yes, I know I still haven't gotten around to fixing up the look of the new Respectful Insolence as much as is allowed within the confines of the new template, but I plan on it. Really, I do.

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Content is king, so I think most readers do not mind.

Oh wait, I mean Orac is king. My mistake.

By Emil Karlsson (not verified) on 10 Jun 2012 #permalink

Any word from the overlords on when the old comments, the ones that weren't supposed to disappear in the switchover, might be restored?

By Antaeus Feldspar (not verified) on 10 Jun 2012 #permalink

Also missing are direct links to comments, the exception being the links in the side bar to “Recent Comments”

Which has merely been reset to the afternoon of June 7 in its not-updateyness, hence this comment to get it to reset.

Well, check the post on Patricia Finn, the antivaccine lawyer. There are only 6 comments on it now; there were definitely more than that before.

By Antaeus Feldspar (not verified) on 10 Jun 2012 #permalink

The "last 24 hours" feature only sort-of works. It lists the most recent blog posts on page 1, but there's no second page. So it only shows a half-dozen recent posts. If I'm off for a couple of days, it won't help me find new blog posts over that time period, as the old version did.

I wonder if the "most active" tab will ever be restored? I notice the "editors' picks" is back.

Thanks for the update. It's clear that you're making progress, although the most recent 'insolence returned that I can see is five days old. However, as Emil Karlsson noted, content is king.

Posting from this computer so that the recent comments will update properly. That and to say that I thought that WordPress was supposed to be a mature, stable platform. This one bug shows that to be very wrong.

Had to kill -9 the browser. Post is solely to get the recent comments to functtion.

Post is solely to see recent comments from work laptop

I wouldn't blame you if you question my sense of humor but I laughed when I saw the "In partnership with National Geographic" across the top of the page because it was a short article about treating stress in rats with acupuncture in the June issue of National Geographic that started me on the trail that eventually led here.

By Damned Skeptic (not verified) on 20 Jun 2012 #permalink

Test, sorry.

Trying to get a trace. Again, please ignore me.

Just refreshing the recent comments.

Again, sorry. I seem to have a problem with the power-supply connector.

Stop looking at me!

Once again.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.