As a followup to my rather "epic post" on dichloroacetate, I thought I'd just post a brief follow up. A reader sent me this video of Evangelos Michelakis, the investigator who has been testing DCA in the clinic and who did the study testing DCA against gliblastoma, describing his results:
It's always interesting to hear research results "straigh from the horse's mouth, so to speak."
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More Canadian press leads me to put up another post on dichloroacetate (DCA), the inhibitor of mitochondrial aerobic glycolysis that is being promoted as a freely-available cancer "cure." Like many compounds tested in animal models of human cancer, DCA treatment reduces the size of human lung…
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From the same reporter at the Edmonton Journal who brought us yesterday's DCA article comes news of a highly-experienced Canadian pharmacist who has been providing patients with physician-prescribed dichloroacetate. Jodie Sinnema reports that a local pharmacist has been selling DCA to patients but…
Dichloroacetate or DCA is a small molecule that has been in the press over the last four years due to its potential to inhibit aerobic glycolysis in cancer cells. The cells from each of us usually produce energy in the form of ATP from a variety of nutrient sources plus oxygen using a very…
Try DCA with Metformin the diabetes pill, or better yet, the I.V. version.
Well I'm glad these guys put to rest the notion that compounds in the public domain which are discovered to be useful in the fight against cancer can be brought to market without industry support.
I mean, no one here has any doubt that if Pfizer had been able to patent DCA three years ago we would be at exactly the same point in the process of bringing it to the cancer patients who need it. Pfizer would have limited internal funding of clinical trials to $500,000 per year, right? And of course, out of the goodness of their hearts, given it's about as difficult to make as iodized table salt, they would have sold it for pennies per daily dose.
Uh huh. That's how it would have played out...
What? What's that, DaveScot? I can't hear you over the sound of goalposts being hastily dragged.
Now that oracle has at least reason to doubt his on misdirected and wrongly negative pontifications, how about considering Metformin, another generic shown to act against cancer's metabolism,, along with DCA ?? Two attacks on cancer's metabolism ,, 1+1 might equal 100. At least please try a rodent trial !! Both would slow/act against cancers glycolysis , they would seem very likely candidates to be considered for use together. If not, then why not?
Dear Eyaggelos,
We would like to informing you that, the compound Dichloroacetate (DCA), we have been working and the evaluation for the subacute toxicity results, concerns
Cardio-Liver and kidney results.
In case you are interest, please give a call, OK?
Best Regards
Kyriakos Pispirigos PhD
Dear Eyaggelos,
We would like to informing you that, the compound Dichloroacetate (DCA), we have been working and the evaluation for the subacute toxicity results, concerns
Cardio-Liver and kidney results.
In case you are interest, please give a call, +302610273277 OK?
Best Regards
Kyriakos Pispirigos PhD