...about the internecine warfare that breaks out from time to time around ScienceBlogs. At times we do appear to be a lot like professional wrestling.
Can you find Orac in there?
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tags: meme, blogging, Why Blog?, navel gazing, lint picking
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Yeah, it's a bit unkind of whoever it was to use you as a projectile.
I would have imagined that you would have been in the process of colliding with someone's head, too.
The hot pink shorts are certainly stylish.
Actually, Orac, I knew you right away. Looks JUST like you.
I was actually hoping for a ray blast from Orac rather than a brute force physical contact method shown. Gets the job done but lacks finesse...
Intellect from above!!!! :D
Who knew Orac could fly?
I would have preferred an image of an extremely bored "Professor Orac" stifling a yawn as he exits the uncouth scene.
Self-deprecating humor is why science-based bloggers are made of WIN! *L*
It's Orac off the top rope!
I thought your were blonder and snarkier looking?
off topic but one of the ads on the right side tried to load a trojan on my computer. Hope everyone has good anti-virus.
As I posted elsewhere:
Orac: "You'll have to toss me. . .
Don't tell ERV "
The biggest laugh-out-loud moment I had when I saw that was when I spotted Orac.
Even in the context of pro wrestling, that was way too much for me to suspend my disbelief. I mean really, a silent Orac? That makes about as much sense as a pacifist heel.
Wow, Orac's really Spike Dudley!
@nsib "I mean really, a silent Orac?"
Not at all - you just have to be clear about it.
ORAC: Define the words 'Shut up'.
Blake: Stop talking. Do not speak. Be silent.
ORAC: That is better. Our relationship will be best served if your statements are free of ambiguity. *Shuts up*
Of course being thrown across a wrestling mosh pit could have the same effect for a while.
Orac, you are the palest one in there. Get some sun.
Um, who are all the folks there? Actually, I am more interested the in the folks I follow. I know the flying plastic box is Orac, but which one is PalMD?
Is that an octopus tat on PZ Myers?
Has anyone identified them all somewhere?