I definitely need some of these to pass out to "friends"

Too bad the holidays are over. I've found something that would make a perfect gift for J. B. Handley, Jenny McCarthy, Mike Adams, and other "friends" of the blog. After all, clearly scientific arguments aren't working.

Hmmm. Perhaps a certain physiologist-blogger would be interested in purchasing these items to give out as well.


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Do they sell them in lots of a million or more? I'm thinking we should mail one to every one of the 25% that is Bush's base.

Heh. nice. short and to the point.

CPP would need ones that read "You are a fucking douche"

" Tired of getting into bar room brawls? Well now avoid the confrontation with our glorious Douche Card. Simply hand it to the asshole in question and walk away.

"Walk" away? Really?

I think that, if you are actually in a bar room, the best tactic would be to "toss and run."

It's hilarious that among the most popular insults US people have is the name for a body cavity irrigation device.

How about something a bit livelier, like gobshite or langer?

How about something a bit livelier, like gobshite or langer?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Whut? You Ye Olde Englande bougie douchepoppers are so fucking quaint when you try to be incivil! I suggest you leave the insults to the soccer hooligans.

Dear Comrade, those were just a few of the more acceptable insults which I'd imagine are on a par with douche. I wouldn't want to sully Orac's blog with the worst I can think of. I am after all, from a culture that respects the ability to swear well.

(I was told off many times when I worked in the US for my bad language, which was supposedly, unladylike.)

I wouldn't want to sully Orac's blog with the worst I can think of. I am after all, from a culture that respects the ability to swear well.

Comrade PhysioProf is always up for expanding his profane horizons. Stop by my blog and leave a comment, or e-mail me some juicy shit and I'll post it.
