The first Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle of 2009 is fast approaching

It's amazing how fast the time passes. The year 2008 is now history. 2009 is nearly two weeks old. But, for purposes of this blog, most important of all is that the very first Skeptics' Circle of 2009 is fast approaching. It will be held at Bug Girl's Blog on Thursday, January 15, a mere three days away.

But fear not! There is still time to get your best skeptical blogging to Bug Girl for inclusion in this very first gathering of skeptical bloggers of the new year. So do it already!

Also, if you want to get your name on the list of hosts of the Skeptics' Circle, all you have to do is to e-mail me and ask after checking out the guidelines. Of course, I will peruse your blog to make sure that you're not a Deepak Chopra fan trying to coopt the Circle for his own nefarious purpose of woo, but if you're interested in skepticism I doubt that'll be a problem.

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