The 98th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle... here at The Uncredible Hallq, and it's a fine collection of the latest skeptical blogging.

Meanwhile the countdown towards #100 continues. Next up is King of Ferrets Ferret Cage, who will be hosting the 99th Edition of the Skeptics' Circle a fortnight hence, on Thursday, November 6, 2008. I should go back and check to see whether King of Ferrets is the youngest host we've ever had (age 15). Now, I know you all want to encourage the next generation of skeptics; so encourage King of Ferrets and be sure to send him your best stuff in time to be included in the next Circle.

Also, if you're interested in hosting one of these Circles yourself (and, if you're a skeptical blogger and have never hosted one, you really should, not to mention that if you've hosted before you should consider hosting again), check out the schedule and archive, as well as the guidelines for hosts and then drop me a line. Assuming you're not a woo masquerading as a skeptic, I'll get you right on the schedule.

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Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon. The next edition of Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People) publishes tomorrow and as usual, it is seeking submissions and hosts! If you haven't sent your essays…

I remember doing my giant robot installment. Had canker sores and an acne flare up from the stress of how it'd be received.

Orac: But... but... I'll be busy this weekend with massive amounts of last minute DnD game preparation to make sure my vast array of puzzles aren't too hard! So can't I get the information early? =D

BD: I don't think I'll have that problem. Yours was just as nerdy as mine will be, and yours seemed to do fine, so I figure mine will go over well too.

"Patience, young ferret king. You will receive the necessary information this weekend..."

Obi-wan knows the ways of circle.
you must wait to feel the force young ferret.

I'm crackin up over here.

By Uncle Dave (not verified) on 23 Oct 2008 #permalink

Having never traveled to a galaxy far far away, I could not speak to the subject myself.

By Uncle Dave (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink