The countdown to 100 continues...the 97th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle

The relentless march to Skeptics' Circle 100 continues, this time around with Evolved Rationalist over at Evolved and Rational. It's all for the lulz and the mudkip. What it in fact does is make me realize that I'm not as hip to the latest Internet stuff as I thought, because I had no idea what lulz meant or what a mudkip is. Oh, well. It's still a fantastic collection of the latest skepticism from around the blogosphere.

In the meantime, next up is The Uncredible Hallq, who's a past host and did a great job then. I'm glad he's doing it again, and he'll be hosting on October 23. So get your posts ready and don't forget to submit them to him, after, of course, checking out the guidelines. Unfortunately, it's not as close to Halloween as I'd like, but what the heck.

Finally, if you think you might want to host one of these puppies (and, really, who wouldn't?) send me a note after checking out the guidelines for hosts. I'll scope out your blog to make sure that you don't secretly blog for Age of Autism or Deepak Chopra and then get you on the schedule.


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