The 90th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: Coming at you from Down Under

Better late than never (for me to announce it, I mean), the 90th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle has descended upon the blogosphere from Down Under, this time brought to you by prominent Australian skeptic and battler against woo, a guy who's even harsher on antivaccinationists than I am, Peter Bowditch.

Go forth and enjoy!

Next up on July 17 is Sorting Out Science. Start getting your best skeptical writing together and join us back here in two weeks for a little summer skepticism. Guidelines for submissions and the schedule can be found here, and if you want to host one of these check out the guidelines for hosts and drop me a line.

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I was hoping that people would submit good blog postings for this episode of skeptics' circle. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you a place. Imagine being imagined that your parents loved you so much they decided to name you Christian when you were born. I think I'd call myself. It is very nice topic in circle.
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Wide Circles