Forgive me if you find bloggers trumpeting their traffic numbers to be painfully boring. Truth be told, sometimes I find them boring too. However, I hope you'll indulge me just this once, given that regular readers know how rarely I do posts dedicated to discussing my traffic. (Just remember that blogging is an exercise in ego gratification, anyway.) It's just that March and April have been the best two months ever in terms of traffic on this blog, and I can't resist taking a moment to post about it. Just take a look:

In March, there were 128,996 visits to Respectful Insolence, and in April there were 141,614 visits. That's well over a quarter of a million visits in just two months and shatters the previous record traffic month in July 2007. I have to admit that I'm utterly floored. True, it may not be much compared to a certain other ScienceBlogger here, who happens to generate more than ten times my traffic, but to me it's huge.
Of course, if there's one thing I've noticed over the last three years, it's that peaks in traffic tend to be followed by troughs and that usually those troughs are followed by a slow climb over several months back to previous heights. Indeed, I would be very surprised if traffic equals either of these two months in May.
But, hey, surprise me.
In the meantime, since it's Sunday I think I'll just chill out and enjoy the glow during the brief time that it lasts. After three years, I still remained utterly blown away by the realization that so many people actually like my logorrheic ramblings here.
Reality will hit on Monday soon enough.
Well done, I hope your blog continues to grow in popularity. It's encouraging to know that there are many more people out there who do give a rodent's posterior about your miscellaneous verbal meanderings.
I'm one of the extra visitors of the last couple of months. Directed here by that certain other blogger, so don't be too jealous of him!
Though I don't see you giving credit to John Best. His spewings in the comment sections of multiple threads and the responses from other posters have to account for at least a third of your traffic in the past couple of months. ;)
Fighting the woo is a dirty job but somebody has to do it. you do it well and in an energetic and entertaining way.
IMHO woo is all about people living in a complicated world feeling overwhelmed and seeking simple answers to complex problems.
Congratulations! And hey, it's early in the month... and I just found out one of my friends loves to laugh at weird altie medicine, aka woo. (She hadn't heard the term "woo" before). I'll have to give her the link to you.
You're welcome. :D
I came for the Hitler Zombie but I stay for the woo.
I've been getting excited about my own blog nearly reaching 100 hits a day. Now I'm sad.
But, I'm just an amateur beginner, so maybe there is hope for me yet.
Congratulations - who knows how many you've wooed away from woo!
you keep not sucking, and we'll keep coming back.
I came for the intellectual conversation and stayed for the excellent abuse. I newly have found that a vacuum cleaner has other uses than cleanup and *****3###**8, and a new use for cow pies. I must get out more often. Keep dishing out the respect and full insolence to the woooo wooo woo woo woo woo woo (Quoting Curley).
(vigorous applause) I am really grateful for what you've done on behalf of autistic people. No telling how many parents decided not to go the autism snake oil route because of what you have exposed about the DAN! dox and Buttar and David Kirby... and Pat Sullivan....
I came doing some background research on a paper that somehow linked me on to some weird homeopathy paper. I stayed because I realised I can justify reading your blog at work as "critical thinking" skills training.
Incidentally, I found Pharyngula through you. ^_^
I have to admit you people did a masterful job of baiting Kirby and Olmsted into supporting Seidel. You made them look like utter jackasses. I tip my hat to you.
we came from Autism Diva.........and we've been hooked ever since. whoever clicked on your blog first most likely did so because the name of it sounded cool.......many autistic people tend to hone in on one random detail or another, and choose to look at something because that little thing appealed to them at the time. Of course, when we actually started reading..........another process, intellectual curiosity, took over.
Congrats on the traffic........we've gotten some traffic from your blog also........sometimes we wish we knew who it was.......but oh well.
My morning trifecta is always PZ, Orac, and Ed....
Of course you have to realize that since you change your site frequently your fans come back a lot to keep up. As a result there are probably only only about 100 of us out here.
Seriously-way to go! Thanks for your efforts.
Happy to contribute!
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Nice to see your blog doing well. I actually found out about your bog through that "other scienceblogger". Keep up the good work.
That should read "blog". Damn "L" key...