Now entering the Twilight Zone

Every so often, as a blogger, I get e-mail. Well, actually, I get a lot of e-mail, much of which I just don't have time to answer (nothing personal when it happens), but every so often an e-mail makes me feel as though Rod Serling should be popping up at the end. I got this one not too long ago:

From: "eric swan" (


Subject: 911

Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 23:23:22 -0400

who are you, what are your motives and who are you working for?
Eric Swan @

Eric Swan happens to be a 9/11 Truther who's appeared in the comments before, spewing 9/11 conspiracy theory idiocy from time to time.

I'll answer Eric briefly: OK, you got me. I've been bought off by the Mossad, the Bush administration, the Masons, the Illuminati, and, of course, David Icke's reptilian humanoids. My motivation is clearly to utterly crush brave crusaders for the truth like Eric, so that they cannot infect the sheeple that are the American public with the virus of The Truth Behind 9/11, in which all these forces deceived the world in order to justify the war in Iraq and the formation of a police state that will make Nazi Germany look like the height of democracy in comparison.

Yes, this was all sarcasm, but no doubt Eric will see it as an admission of guilt. His ploy, of course, is no different than the ever popular "pharma shill gambit" that "alternative" medicine advocates like to trot out to use against anyone who points out that maybe--just maybe--there isn't any scientific or clinical evidence to support their favored woo.


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Bob O'H:

You mean we're supposed to be getting paid?! Those guys owe me 30 years back wages!

Now, where's that number for the United Evil Atheist Conspiracy Workers Union....

Mr Swan:

I cannot speak for Orac, but I am employed by the Grammar Police. The phrase is whom are you working for; if you want to be really anal it would be for whom are you working, though it's been acknowledged in recent years that terminal prepositions are not mandatory.

Now you can add PFSW (The People's Front of Strunk and White) to your lengthening list of Enemies to America.


That is the sort of pedantry up with which I shall not put.

"Clearly, I've been bought off by the Mossad, the Bush administration, the Masons, the Illuminati, and, of course, David Icke's reptilian humanoids."

Don't forget the Bilderberg Group.

> ... it's been acknowledged in recent years
> that terminal prepositions are not mandatory.

Too much information.

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

As insane as this may sound, Swan's question is analogous to trying to open a case before attempting to break it. You know, perhaps Orac admits it all due to a momentary lapse in reason.

So Orac, in the same sense, what are your SSN and credit card numbers?

PS: Was the 'test' at the bottom of the post successful?

noam chomsky is an academic zionist shill who's existence is to act as a false flag operative to spread misinformation, distracting people with the military industrial complex, instead of focusing on the zionist power structure that is working behind the scenes.

but i heard he makes a mean soy chili.

By simon lefaux (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

In the words of Inspector Clouseau, "I suspect everyone, and I suspect no one."

Why don't we have a sarcasm emoticon yet? Can we put some top people on this? Twenty years into the internet and no emoticon for sarcastic.

Orac, clearly you're raking in the bucks as a mouthpiece for industrial complex secret society. Can't you get them to fund a study on this?

David B.

you FORGOT the tri-lateral commission!!

By Texas Reader (not verified) on 29 Oct 2007 #permalink

Please. He did NOT forget the tri-lateral commission. We're not supposed to mention the tri-lateral commission.

Weren't you at the last meeting?

Joe: that is the sort of "Black Books" reference I will definitely encourage.

TexasReader: You have violated s.1022 again, it's time to report to qetzal for Stimulation. Let us not discourage our agents provocateur, such as Mr Swann, from forcing the opposition into the light of exposure and ultimately, oracular dismemberment.

Write about a conspiracy enough and its pretty much inevitable you'll get accused of being one of its agents. Same thing happpened to some of us on rec.aviation.military and alt.disasters.aviation during the TWA Flight 800 debate.

Eric is clearly an undercover CIA disinformation agent. All successful, long-running conspiracy theories are, in fact, CIA disinformation campaigns designed to distract people from the real conspiracies.

"real conspiracies." Such as?

simon lefaux - I don't know if you're serious or not - but Noam Chomsky a Zionist?!! Really, read his writings - he's the farthest thing from a Zionist. Don't believe everything you read on blogs.

Weren't you at the last meeting?

Was that the meeting we agreed no-one was at, didn't happen, and, oh, er ... forget it.


I meant Crypto-Zionist. He and Norman Finkelstein creates plausible denial against the Zionist Power Structure. Chomsky, confuses people with the Military Industrial Complex, and Finkelstein plays the role of son of "survivors" who is critical of Israel, and howthe "Holocaust Industry" is exploited, which is used as a misdirection to distract people about what really happened concerning "the Jewish Holocaust".

It's all pretty simple.

By simon lefaux (not verified) on 30 Oct 2007 #permalink

Huh?! Simple? This is really too vast a conspiracy for me to imagine - Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein on the same side as AIPAC! I think that both sides would beg to differ.

While I'm no fan of Finkelstein, he certainly doesn't play a role as son of survivors - his parents really are survivors of the Holocaust. I guess that you actually don't believe the Holocaust occurred if you put the word "survivors" in quotes - so that makes you a Holocaust denier. Now we've really entered the Twilight Zone!

Rebecca -

It really is simple - EVERYONE is in on it. Apart from Eric. No particular reason, we just thought it'd be amusing..

By Andrew Dodds (not verified) on 31 Oct 2007 #permalink

Oh, God, Andrew -- you just had to go and spill your guts to Rebecca, didn't you? Why don't you give her the keys to the secret meeting room entrance beneath the counter of Chili John's in Appleton, Wisconsin, while you're at it?

vlad: do you have a sense of humour of which you are aware?