An LOL Cat for this blog?

Maybe this is the one. On the other hand, it may be more appropriate to the victims of Orac's Respectful (and not-so-Respectful) Insolenceâ¢.


Maybe I'm beginning to understand this LOL cat thing after all...

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I agree. I would expect a cat to be precise. And terse. With a hint of cool disdainful authority.

When Victoria Regina said "We are not amused" she was most likely channeling for a cat.

Being a certified Dog Person(tm) I can assure you that my dogs would never say anything like that, either. They would be more likely to offer up: "WTF? Da R we d0in summat?"

And terse.

Orac? Terse? Is this a new fantasy novel, The Terseness of Respectful Insolence, featuring the evil Big Pharma and an army of alties against a fellowship of cats and EneMan?