Let me just take a moment to join fellow ScienceBloggers Ed, Revere, RPM, Zuska, Nick, PZ, Razib, Steve, and Bora in encouraging everyone to vote for one of our own, Shelley over at Retrospectacle, for a $10,000 Student Blogging Scholarship.
Don't do it just because I asked you to. Do it because she runs an excellent blog and deserves it. Also, if you don't vote for Shelley, we'll shoot this dog.
Well, not really. I could never shoot a helpless dog. I love dogs. But vote for Shelley anyway. Or maybe we'll give this dog a bath whether he needs it or not.
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Shelley Batts of Retrospectacle is a nominee for a $10,000 blogging scholarship (that is, a scholarship given to someone who blogs, not a scholarship for studying blogging). The winner will be determined by popular vote.
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"All what?"
"All that '…
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What's your name?
Well, originally my name was Suzanne Franks. Then I married someone, and just because I said I wanted to, my name became Suzanne Shedd. Ten years later…
So do I. Do you want to swap recipes?
I love dog too! Especially poodle, medium rare.
And if you do not vote for Shelley, I will re-start my nuclear testing. So there.
I can't agree. Dogs just don't taste that good. We decided to keep ours as a pet for that reason.
You forgot posthomusly
I would have voted for Shelley if one of the other finalists wasn't doing Taxol and law school at the same time, and looks like she needs the money more (she has 3 kids).
Not only did I vote for her, but I got my ravening horde of five or six readers to do so as well.
potentilla -
Sorry, but after Shelley's kick butt piece on the neuroscience of ADHD, I cannot help but vote for her. She truly kicks the proverbial butt.