Great resource for cancer researchers

I thought I knew all the good websites to get information about cancer research and research funding opportunities. Perusing Medical Writing, Editing, & Grantsmanship, I found I was wrong.

Check out the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Research Portfolio.

It lets cancer researchers search quickly for funding opportunities, what cancer-related projects are already funded, and peruse a number of other resources. It even has a link to the International Cancer Research Portfolio, where you can search for funded projects and research opportunities covered by the American Cancer Society, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the NCI, the Army, the National Cancer Research Institute, the Prostate Cancer Foundation, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and the Oncology Nursing Society Foundation.

I'm still scratching my head over how I could have been unaware of this resource.

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Hmmm. If I do it, I may have to think about it a couple of days and write up something later in the week.