The 63rd Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: Summer solstice edition

Here, on this summer solstice, a traditional time of great importance for woo, I bet you need a shot of skepticism, don't you? Fortunately, mcsquared over at Relatively Science has your back with the 63 Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle. As he puts it: ..."if you are in the Northern hemisphere this will be the longest edition of the skeptics' circle and conversely if you are in the Southern hemisphere it will be the shortest." Longest or shortest, it's yet another collection of the best skeptical blogging of the last fortnight. (OK, I know it's not as pithy an introduction as you're used to, but I'm in the midst of hauling butt to get to the O.R. by 7:30 AM, and I didn't want to make mcsquared wait until late afternoon for a plug. Such is my dedication to my hosts.)

Next up, for a post-4th of July edition (on July 5), The Skeptical Alchemist will be taking a turn at hosting.

And, of course, don't forget that I'm always looking for hosts, be it experienced bloggers who've hosted before or especially new talent for whom all the link love that hosting the Circle inevitably engenders can be a real help in getting a blog noticed and building readership. Besides, it's fun. If you think you have what it takes to do the Circle proud, peruse both the guidelines for hosts and the schedule (just updated a few days ago) and then drop me a line at I'll peruse your blog to make sure that you're not a mole for Deepak Chopra or Adam Dreamhealer, and if you check out I'll be happy to put you on the schedule.

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