Portrait of the artist reviewing grants

This is what Orac would look like this weekend if he were his blog mascot and if those piles of papers surrounding him were NIH grants.


Yes, NIH Study Section time is coming up in less than two weeks. It's grant review crunch time, and this is how I will be spending the remainder of my weekend, other than taking an hour or two to mow the lawn and the occasional sanity break to blog. Fortunately, the grant load this cycle is not too bad for my study section compared to some past cycles. If I really push (excuse the term), I should be able to get more than half the remaining grants taken care of and then finish off the rest over the course of next week and weekend.

Hopefully, next month I'll be able to find something more pithy to say about everybody's favorite blog mascot, though. He deserves better.

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Well, since you mention You Know Who: I recently had to go for a procto exam, and was instructed to enemize two hours prior. So I went to the drug store to obtain the requisite, um, instrument -- and of course bought the only brand I recognized.

I think you should demand advertising royalties from Fleet.

Reviewing Grants and administering an enema, both require careful handling of waste products and sensitive areas. Very appropriate.

What is your breakdown for primary, secondary, and discussant role this cycle?

By PhysioProf (not verified) on 10 Jun 2007 #permalink

That's an awfully, ah, constipated look on the E-man, there.