The David Irving bet

With the impending release of David Irving, my mind turned to wondering about what he'll do when he gets out. His finances are a ruin. He's ticked off his fellow Holocaust deniers by saying that there were indeed homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. This discussion led to a question, which led to some prognosticating by me and others on a discussion board:

When will Irving show up in the U.S. to give speeches before far right wing groups to try to replenish his depleted bank account? Current favorites range from around two weeks after his release to around a month after his release. What do you think? Either way, the depressing thought is that he'll almost certainly be fouling the U.S. with his presence sometime in early 2007.

While you're at it, there are two other questions:

1. How long before Irving recants his statement that there were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz, claiming "duress" or something like that? (My prediction: Shortly after he sets foot in the U.K. again, in the first interview he gives.)

2. How long before Irving blames "the Jews" for his imprisonment in Austria? (My prediction: Again, in his first interview after he sets foot in the U.K.)

ADDENDUM: It looks as though I was right about #1. We'll see how long it takes #2 to come about.

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These people will often find a "code" to say what everyone knows they believe without actually saying it. He'll probably blame his imprisonment on Mossad or "The Zionist Lobby" or "The Liberal Cosmopolitan Academic Lobby" or somesuch.

When are you going to admit the truth - there is no so-called "David Irving". Clearly nobody could be that stupid and insane! Next, you will probably tell me that there is even a country run by some holocaust denier!

David Irving is an invention of the Zionists to promote the "holocaust industry." The same is true for the documents known as "the papers of the Elders of Zion"; an invention of the pre-holocaust zionists. Come to think about it, Zion is also an invention of the Zionists, since it never existed until it was invented.

By S. Rivlin (not verified) on 22 Dec 2006 #permalink

"These people will often find a "code" "

What a coincidence, racist zionist(pleonasm) fanatics like orac have found their code. They call anyone who criticizes judeo-nazi Israel's crimes against humanity an anti-semite.

Apparently, orac thinks that anyone who disagrees with his zionist views should be thrown in prison.

Oh gawds, Bernarda is everywhere making stuff up about what other people supposedly said or meant even though the material they are pretending to reflect is just inches away for reading.

I've never seen a case here where anyone with a criticism of Israel is called an anti-semite.

I've never actually seen anyone be called an anti-semite by anyone here except where they admit it themselves or make it plain obvious with sweeping insults at Jews in general.

Are you and I reading the same blog Bernarda?

By Lucas McCarty (not verified) on 22 Dec 2006 #permalink

Hey, bernarda, still waiting for your answer: what's the half-life of historic importance?

Apparently, orac thinks that anyone who disagrees with his zionist views should be thrown in prison.

Lying about my views regarding free speech and Holocaust denial while I'm away, bernarda? (Either that, or your reading comprehension sucks. Readers can take their pick which is true of you, that you're lying or that you don't understand the simple statements I've made in the past about my opposition to laws criminalizing Holocaust denial.) Didn't I say in my vacation notice to play nice? Some people apparently don't listen.

I'm not surprised. Be aware, though, that I will be checking in from time to time and maybe even posting if the mood strikes me and time and Internet access allow--like now.

Orac said:
1. How long before Irving recants his statement that there were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz, claiming "duress" or something like that? (My prediction: Shortly after he sets foot in the U.K. again, in the first interview he gives.)

Precisely my thoughts. He will definitely claim duress, as that makes him look like a victim.

2. How long before Irving blames "the Jews" for his imprisonment in Austria? (My prediction: Again, in his first interview after he sets foot in the U.K.)

Not long. About twice as long as it takes him to recant.

As for his future, I expect him to take up where he left off, join the US contingent of anti-semites, and, attempt to blend into the anti-illegal immigration movement, which is now ripe for recruiting by the UltraBigots.

Well, Irving's future is going to be pretty simple:

He has a house in Key West, which is where his mailing list and begging operation is based, and I'm sure that as soon as he can scrape up the cash, he'll head there for his important work of raising funds and raging impotently at the world on his web site.

He also has to dust off his homeric memoirs ("Mein Kampf, Part II," I guess) and get them on his web page for sale and distribution.

He also has to hit the lecture trail in the States to sell the book, raise money, and pay off assorted creditors, lawyers, and tax men, which should keep him busy.

And if he finds time, he's got a very sick wife and a daughter who is reading "The Diary of Anne Frank" and making sure interviewers see her with it. So he has a lot of fences to mend at home...wherever that is.