Poor old David Irving, he must be kicking himself

Heh (I can't resist one last tweek):

Poor old David Irving, he must be kicking himself after being released early by the Austrian authorities.

Had the discredited Holocaust denier been set free just a few days earlier, he would have been able to shoot off for a few days to sunny Iran, in the company of David Duke and an assorted rag-bag of other dangerously deranged Jew-haters.

Of course, whether the anti-semitic revisionist would have taken centre stage or would have been forced into the shadows by the arguably more abhorrent Aaron Cohen of the Neturei Karta is a moot point.

But don't worry. Even though these two pariahs weren't destined to meet up in Tehran this week, it can only be a matter of time before we see them shaking hands, kissing and smiling for the cameras as they congratulate each other on their mutual disregard for the truth - a disregard that is shared by the loathsome Mahmoud Ahmadenijad.

Indeed, given the Iranian President's interest in challenging the facts of history, one wonders how long it will be before he invites speakers from around the globe to debate whether Irving was ever actually in an Austrian prison at all - or whether it was all just a myth propagated by his supporters in a bid to win support for their cause.

Don't worry. I'm sure he'll make it to Tehran sooner or later.

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Maybe he'll be in Tehran the day GW drops the Big One. You know he's so going to do it before he leaves office. Deny THAT Mr. Irving!

Holocaust groupie orac can't let it go. Everyone knows of course that people should be thrown in jail for not being politically correct, or even for being wrong, simply for things they say.

Free speech is only for those who know what to say, when to say it, and how to say it.

Thank you for the lesson, the orac thought police.

Erm, I don't supposed Bernarda that you've read(or did but kind of didn't sink in) Orac's previous opinion pieces on free-speech, especially when it comes to holocaust denial?

Well, nothing he's said here contradicts his previous expressed views: that free-speech laws are wrong. So why are you implying he's saying different now?

By Lucas McCarty (not verified) on 22 Dec 2006 #permalink

To clarify, can't edit my last post: I meant to say laws restricting free-speech are wrong, as is Orac's view(and most people who comment here share it).

By Lucas McCarty (not verified) on 22 Dec 2006 #permalink

That's right bernada, while we may have no sympathy for Irving, most of us are opposed to imprisoning deniers. You can't kill stupidity, you have to wait for it to commit suicide.

First, I will think that the Austrian authorities intentionally let Irving at this time, just to stick it to hom over missing the conference. They may not have, but it is a lovely thought.

Second, bernarda is obviously reading comprehension challenged. Orac has clearly stated that he is unequivocally opposed to limiting speech of these so-called Holocaust Deniers. The proper term is anti-sevitic bigoted neo-Nazis. I want them out in the open, where they can be identified.

"one wonders how long it will be before he invites speakers from around the globe to debate whether Irving was ever actually in an Austrian prison at all - or whether it was all just a myth propagated by his supporters in a bid to win support for their cause"

Yes, I have wondered that as well.

Irving is a very clever man but I doubt his straightforwardness.

What was it Lenin (supposedly) said?

"The way to win an argument is to control its opposition"

By Rashid Harouin (not verified) on 23 Dec 2006 #permalink