The 50th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: Carl Sagan (Pseudo) Memorial/Demon-Haunted World (Pseudo) Homage

Yes, it's that time again, time for another Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle.

Given that yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the death of Carl Sagan at the too-young age of 62, this edition of the Circle, posted at Humbug! Online, is a tribute to the man and his dedication to science and skepticism. Theo has decided to arrange it in a similar fashion to the chapters in what is arguably Sagan's greatest book: The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.

Next up to host the first Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle of 2007 is See You At Enceladus. If you're a blogger trying to follow in the footsteps of Carl Sagan in your own little way (like me), start thinking of a good post that will help the Circle start 2007 in fine form. And, of course, if you're interested in hosting a Circle yourself, drop me a line at, after, of course, checking out the schedule and guidelines.

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