A mysterious start to next week's Skeptics' Circle

The next Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching, and, if you haven't already done so, if you're a blogger you should be thinking about which one of your pièce de résistances of skepticism you want to submit. Guidelines are here. Next week's host, Dad of Cameron at Autism Street has decided to employ a most unusual means of soliciting entries:

I know the holiday season is upon us, and for many us, including myself (aka Do'C), that can mean scarce free time. In an effort to avoid delays or mixups, I have arranged for the services of a psychic medium over the next week or so. Regardless of my availability, this medium claims to be able to contact me through psychic means, or through someone in the spirit world who may know me.

He's also offered me a tantalizing hint of what he plans on doing with the Circle next week. Unfortunately, he wouldn't let even me in on his plans other than a hint. All I can say is that it looks like it'll be great. So be a part and submit your best skeptical work to him here by Wednesday, December 6, and then join Dad of Cameron on Thursday, December 7 to find out what he's got up his sleeve for this Meeting.

And, as always, if you think you might like to host the Skeptics' Circle, please drop me a line at oracknows@gmail.com. The schedule is here.

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