And so it continues...

...the World Series, with the Tigers versus the Cardinals.

The series is now tied at one game apiece and set to start again in St. Louis tonight at 8:05 PM. This is a real pain because it means that it'll be pretty late when the game ends, and if it goes into extra innings I'll be hurting tomorrow.

Even so, all I can say again is: GO TIGERS!


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I would like to see Detroit win, but beating the Yankees would be even more enjoyable.

Go Cardinals!

By afarensis (not verified) on 24 Oct 2006 #permalink

When they tore down old Tiger Stadium and the "Bird" hurt his shoulder I stopped following the Tigers. But I did run into Harry Carry once in a men's room of a resturant when he was doing the Cardinals. He was kinda' leaning against the wall at the urinal, and his date was a chippie, rather than Augie Busch's wife for a change.

What? You've got to be kidding me! How can you root against the most storied baseball team west of the Mississippi River? Just remember: birds can fly away from cats before they get bit, but it will be a cold day in hell before tigers can fly with the cardinals.

Birdies can also fly over kitties and crap on 'em, too...


I was born and raised in Detroit.

And don't necessarily count on "flying away" before getting bitten.