Derf on President Bush's popularity

Having lived in Cleveland for 8 years, I appreciate a Cleveland guy Derf's take on things. Even as a conserative-leaning sort, I have come to the conclusion that I'm with Barney as far as our President goes:

Derf 20060424

Click for the full size version.


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It's just bizarre to me that comic strips placed on the web keep their absurdly tiny size. They should be twice as big. I can't even read the text in that image, I have to save the image and magnify it in an image viewer.

The reason is simple. I can't post any pictures larger than 500 pixels in width, or else they go out of the text column and into the ads and sidebars. It would look terrible. (This is one aspect of the whole ScienceBlogs design that I detest. A center column whose width automatically resized with the window size would be nice.) The link was supposed to go to the full-sized image, but I mistakenly used a link to the same size image.

Try it now.

Having absolutely nothing to do with the cartoon -

If I'm on your page and click on the "Click to Subscribe" to Seed, does it get recorded anywhere where I clicked from, i.e. would you get any sort of credit for having inspired a subscription?