It looks like everyone at ScienceBlogs is trying this quiz. Now that I have been completely assimilated into the collective, I cannot resist. So...
You Are 22% Evil |
![]() A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. |
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Yes, another real post is coming soon, but the cool kids are abuzz about a new internet quiz, so ...
You Are 32% Evil
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
How Evil Are You?
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Ha! I edge you out by 2%!
weak!!!!. do gooder :)
Whoo! 40%!
Then again, though, that's in Canadian evil, so it probably works out to about 10% US.
I am only 10% evil! Much less evil than people on different science blogs, most of whom are scientists, I guess?
Since I am not a scientist, it looks like science makes people more evil, doesn't it?
Or maybe 10% us-evil corresponds to something like 40% evil here in Denmark?
Apparently just being an atheist makes me more evil.
Oh, 42% evil.
"Kid, have you ever been arrested?"
Then again, though, that's in Canadian evil, so it probably works out to about 10% US.
The exchange rates for evil have been very good lately, though. Stephen Harper, "Doris" Day, the entire National Post....
12%. I'm a good dog, and deserve a tummy rub.
Sadly, I'm 64%. Apparently, I'm "very evil". Stay away.
44% - a fair amount of evil.
Although I don't know what formula they use to calculate evil, I am assuming that not believing in god lowered my percentage of evil.
I made 32% but found this one a LOT more fun:
since it doesn't just judge you, but picks your 'ultimate destination.' (I got 168 on this one.)
Trouble with both tests, particularly the 'hell' test is that they are strictly qualitative (Have you ever...) If they asked "How often have you..." I'd be packing my bags for a cooler climate right now. (Yes, cooler. Did you scientists forget that hot air RISES? -- okay, stole it from THE NEW YORKER but that should earn me an exytra point on either test.)
I got 30% on the evilness test, which I found a little disappointing, frankly -- but I did score 165 on the helltest ("Who let you out on a day pass?" was their comment). I guess I already knew that I was headed straight for hell. I'd feel worse about it if I thought there actually were such a place.
I'm 38% evil, but only scored 112 on the going to hell quiz.....Not sure that makes sense but guess it depends on the questions.
36% evil. Some of the questions didn't seem to be about anything that was particularly evil though.
Bah, my 40% evil depreciated to a 62 on the helltest. That's disappointing.
Like two peas in a pod-we're so compatible! I'm 22% evil too!!
Good to know, I am only 14% evil!
You Are 52% Evil
You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.
Sorry folks :(
I am 12%: Squirm, you evildoers!
I'm not a geek. I'm a 12(%) level paladin.
You Are 80% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.
How Evil Are You?