Orac knows science, skepticism, and critical thinking

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In a continuing series of posts, for the benefit of new readers (and a trip down memory lane for old readers), I now present: Wearing two hats (and part 2) What is a surgical oncologist? The deadly power of denial: Personal observations Also see Part 2: It's not always denial; Part 3: Fear; and…
In a continuing series of posts, for the benefit of new readers (and a trip down memory lane for old readers), I now present: Orac knows World War II and Holocaust history: 60 years ago today: The evacuation of Auschwitz and start of the death march The 60th Anniversary of the Liberation of…
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has once more taken a stance on evolution and once more illustrated his lack on knowledge: "What I desire intensely is that, also in school programs, questions be explained, at the scientific level, opened by the theory of evolution, such as the famous question of the…
Cardinal Cristoph Schönborn [fanboy site here] flew across the radar a few years back for a purile pro-ID op-ed in the New York Times that was egged-on by the Discovery Institute's Bruce Chapman,. Now Chapman - a relatively recent convert to Catholicism - is having a mini-orgasm about a lecture…

Yeah, this is all fine - but it's old stuff. We want new stuff.

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 15 Feb 2006 #permalink

Sheesh, you're getting new stuff, too--at least one post a day thus far (a pace that I'm unlikely to be able to sustain indefinitely).

A different category of the old stuff each day will continue to be posted until I get through Essential Insolence. At that point, I'll use the links to each of these posts as a handy short way of listing my old Blogspot posts by category. (Blogspot doesn't have categories, you know.)