Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
Another week of Climate Disruption News
Information Overloadis Pattern Recognition
February 13, 2011
- Note
- Chuckles, COP17+, WikiLeaks, Sri Lanka, Pakistan
- Bottom Line, Subsidies, World Bank, Thermodynamics, Cook
- Melting Arctic, Megafauna, Geopolitics, Antarctica
- Food Crisis, Agro-corps, Food Prices, Food Riots?, Food vs. Biofuel, Land Grabs, GMOs, Food Production
- Hurricanes, GHGs, Temperatures, Paleoclimate, ENSO, Satellites
- Impacts, Forests, Climate Refugees, Extreme Weather, Wildfires, Corals, Glaciers, Floods & Droughts
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration, Adaptation
- Journals, Other Docs, Misc. Science, DIY Science, Dyson, Lisbon, O'Donnell
- Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax
- International Politics: Energy Race, Law & Activism, Activism, Water Politics & Business, Predictions
- National Politics: America, BP Disaster, The Chamber, GOP War, Schmitt, Obama, USAdmin, Congress
- Britain, Europe, Australia, Murray-Darling, New Zealand, India, China
- Canada, Post G20, CRTC, AECL, PetroChina, Wheater, BC, Tar Sands, Ontario, Quebec
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Media, Books, Video, Podcasts, Courts
- Energy, Fracking, Wind, Solar, Coal, Biofuel, Nukes, Peak Oil, Grid, Efficiency, Cars, Oil & Gas
- Insurance, FAQs, Joe's List, Carbon Lobby, Miscellaneous Climate, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
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I am going to be sipping a little less from the internet firehose...for a couple of reasons.
I am just about to start looking for a publisher for _The Bottleneck Years_and I need more time for that process.
Also, I want to avoid feeling compulsive about my logging and so will take some time to enjoy the daffodils.
As a first step I have trimmed the list of sites I poll by about 50%. You will notice a difference in the link count.
- 2011/02/08: Grist: An incoherent joke -- Climate deniers look out, see catastrophic storms, attack Al Gore
Looking ahead to COP17 and future international climate negotiations:
- 2011/02/09: EUO: [Nicholas] Stern: West must end hesitation over climate change
WikiLeaks caused a bit of a stir this week when they put the lie to Saudi oil reserve figures:
- 2011/02/09: WikiLeaks: US embassy cables: Saudi oil company oversold ability to increase production, embassy told
[...]1. (C) SUMMARY: On November 20, 2007, CG and Econoff met with Dr. Sadad al-Husseini, former Executive Vice President for Exploration and Production at Saudi Aramco. Al-Husseini, who maintains close ties to Aramco executives, believes that the Saudi oil company has oversold its ability to increase production and will be unable to reach the stated goal of 12.5 million b/d of sustainable capacity by 2009. While stating that he does not subscribe to the theory of "peak oil," the former Aramco board member does believe that a global output plateau will be reached in the next 5 to 10 years and will last some 15 years, until world oil production begins to decline. Additionally, al-Husseini expressed the view that the recent surge in oil prices reflects the underlying reality that global demand has met supply, and is not due to artificial market distortions. END SUMMARY.
- 2011/02/12: EnergyBulletin: Oil 'demand has met supply' -- Saudi Arabia (via Wikileaks)
- 2011/02/09: SStaniford: What did we Learn From the Saudi Cables?
- 2011/02/10: Aleklett: The Guardian, Wikileaks cables and oil production in Saudi Arabia
- 2011/02/10: TreeHugger: Peak Oil in 2012? Saudi Arabia's Oil Overestimated by 40%, Wikileaks Reveals
- 2011/02/10: PeakEnergy: "Saudi oil reserves may be overstated by up to 40%", US cables reveal
- 2011/02/08: EnergyBulletin: WikiLeaks cables: Saudi Arabia cannot pump enough oil to keep a lid on prices
- 2011/02/09: EnergyBulletin: Digging out the truth about Saudi oil
- 2011/02/08: Guardian(UK): US embassy cables: US queries Saudi Arabia's influence over oil prices
- 2011/02/09: ClimateP: WikiLeaks peak oil bombshell: Saudi Arabian reserves overstated by 40%, global production plateau immiment
- 2011/02/08: OilDrum: Wikileaks on Peak Oil
- 2011/02/09: OilDrum: Saudi Oil Production and Reserves - Reasons Behind Wikileaks Concerns
- 2011/02/09: AutoBG: Wikileaks: U.S. believes Saudi Arabia is running out of oil
- 2011/02/09: OilChange: Saudi Arabia's "Inconvenient Truth"
- 2011/02/08: Guardian(UK): US embassy cables: Saudi Arabia tackles western shift towards energy independence
- 2011/02/08: Guardian(UK): US embassy cables: US concern over Saudi Arabia oil production
- 2011/02/08: Guardian(UK): US embassy cables: US queries Saudi Arabia's influence over oil prices
- 2011/02/08: Guardian(UK): US embassy cables: Saudi oil company oversold ability to increase production, embassy told
- 2011/02/08: Guardian(UK): WikiLeaks cables: Saudi Arabia cannot pump enough oil to keep a lid on prices
US diplomat convinced by Saudi expert that reserves of world's biggest oil exporter have been overstated by nearly 40% - 2011/02/09: CCurrents: Saudi Arabia Cannot Pump Enough Oil To Keep A Lid On Prices
- 2011/02/10: SMH: Saudi oil reserves may be overstated by up to 40%, US cables reveal
The Sri Lankan floods are ongoing:
- 2011/02/08: UN: Humanitarian emergency persists as more floods ravage Sri Lanka -- UN
- 2011/02/09: UN: UN agency planning long-term food support for flood-hit Sri Lankans
- 2011/02/08: EarthTimes: Sri Lanka flood damage bill estimated at 450 million dollars
- 2011/02/07: Wunderground: Renewed flooding in Sri Lanka kills 11, affects 1.05 million
- 2011/02/07: EarthTimes: Floods in Sri Lanka displace more than 1.2 million
Looking back at the Pakistani monsoon flood:
- 2011/02/08: JFleck: Listening to the Forecast
And on the Bottom Line:
- 2011/02/08: Grist: Costs of inaction: the price of ice
Who's getting the subsidies?
- 2011/02/10: OilChange: We Can Win the Fight to Eliminate Dirty Fossil Fuel Subsidies
- 2011/02/07: Grist: Life is hard, and then you subsidize -- What Obama should know about ending oil subsidies
What are the global financial institutions up to?
- 2011/02/11: ClimateP: The World Bank, droughts, and voodoo economics
Delving into the laws of thermodynamics this week:
- 2011/02/13: APSmith: Temperature and Radiative Transfer - more things we know
- 2011/02/09: ERabett: Thoughts From the Chum Tank
- 2011/02/09: TSoD: Understanding Atmospheric Radiation and the "Greenhouse" Effect - Part Seven
- 2011/02/07: TSoD: Understanding Atmospheric Radiation and the "Greenhouse" Effect - Part Six -- The Equations
John Cook and friends continue their counterpoint articles:
- 2011/02/13: SkeptiSci: Meet The Denominator by Rob Honeycutt
- 2011/02/12: SkeptiSci: PMEL Carbon Program: a new resource
- 2011/02/12: SkeptiSci: Portuguese translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
- 2011/02/12: SkeptiSci: Coral Reef Baselines
- 2011/02/11: SkeptiSci: Guardian article: Australia's recent extreme weather isn't so extreme anymore
- 2011/02/10: SkeptiSci: Smoking, cancer and climate change by Stephan Lewandowsky
- 2011/02/09: SkeptiSci: Dutch translation of The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism
- 2011/02/09: SkeptiSci: Voicing values and climate change by Mark Edwards
- 2011/02/09: SkeptiSci: So, you think that learning about climate change needs to be tedious? by BaerbelW
- 2011/02/08: SkeptiSci: Climate Change Impacts on Ocean Ecosystems by John Bruno
- 2011/02/08: SkeptiSci: Crichton's 'Aliens Cause Global Warming' by Alden Griffith
- 2011/02/07: SkeptiSci: Articgate: perpetuating the myth that Arctic sea ice has recovered
- 2011/02/07: SkeptiSci: How We Know Recent Global Warming Is Not Natural
The Arctic melt continues to garner a lot of attention:
- 2011/02/08: CCP: The Arctic Oscillation
- 2011/02/09: NatureTGB: Arctic fish catches massively under-reported
- 2011/02/08: BDL: Hudson Bay Still Not Frozen Solid...
- 2011/02/08: CCP: NSIDC's Walt Meier and Mark Serreze: Arctic Sea ice is not recovering...
- 2011/02/08: Wunderground: Arctic sea ice at a record low again; a warmer February for the U.S. coming
As for the charismatic megafauna:
- 2011/02/10: PlanetArk: Polar Bears And Walruses At Risk As Arctic Ice Melts
- 2011/02/09: NatureTGB: Walrus must wait for endangered species protection
- 2011/02/09: Reuters: Walrus protection can wait: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The Pacific walrus, hampered by vanishing sea ice in Arctic waters, deserves protection under the Endangered Species Act but must wait in line behind more imperiled animals, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service spokesman said on Tuesday. - 2011/02/08: CBC: Polar bear births fall in warming climate: study
- 2011/02/08: Eureka: Polar bear births could plummet with climate change
As for the geopolitics of Arctic resources:
- 2011/02/09: CBC: Inuit eager to meet Baffinland's new owners -- Pond Inlet, Nunavut, located closest to Mary River iron site
- 2011/02/07: CBC: Arctic not overfished: Nunavut fishing group -- UBC scientist agrees, but says accurate fishing numbers are important
While in Antarctica:
- 2011/02/08: KSJT: Lots of Buildup, then pffft: Lake Vostok project decamps from Antarctica's heart. Wait'll next year.
- 2011/02/07: NatureTGB: No breakthrough to Antarctica's Lake Vostok
- 2011/02/07: ScienceInsider: Sealed-Off Lake Still Tantalizingly Out of Reach
The food crisis is ongoing:
- 2011/02/12: CCurrents: Food Crisis 2011? 14 Disturbing Facts That Make You Wonder If The Coming Global Food Shortage Has Already Begun
- 2011/02/11: BBC: Cold snap hits Mexico maize crop
A spell of unusually cold weather in northern Mexico has severely damaged the maize crop in the state of Sinaloa. Officials estimate the losses could amount to four million tonnes of corn - 16% of Mexico's annual harvest. - 2011/02/11: Guardian(UK): China bids to ease drought with $1bn emergency water aid
- 2011/02/11: ProMedMail: Stripe rust, wheat - India: (PB)
- 2011/02/11: NatureN: Livestock plagues are spreading -- As farming intensifies, researchers warn that the developing world is "dangerously behind" on controlling animal diseases
- 2011/02/09: CBC: Wild salmon sea lice linked to B.C. fish farms
- 2011/02/09: UN: UN agency planning long-term food support for flood-hit Sri Lankans
- 2011/02/09: ClimateP: UN food agency warns severe drought threatens wheat crop in China, world's largest producer...FAO also warns floods and heavy rains in Southern Africa "threaten food security"
- 2011/02/08: AllAfrica: SW Radio: Close to Two Million Still Need Food Aid
A new food assessment report says that close to two million Zimbabweans will still need food aid in the coming months, despite "better economic conditions." The US-funded Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWSNET) reported this month that about 1.7 million Zimbabweans will be in need of food aid during the next two months. Both FEWSNET and the Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC) last year estimated that about 1.3 million rural households will be food insecure between January and March. - 2011/02/08: UN: Winter drought threatens wheat harvest in north China plain as prices soar -- UN
- 2011/02/07: BBerg: Sugar Shortage Looms as Storm Ruins Australian Crop
- 2011/02/07: UN: UN warns floods in southern Africa could lead to food shortages
- 2011/02/06: NYT: Droughts, Floods and Food
We're in the midst of a global food crisis -- the second in three years. World food prices hit a record in January, driven by huge increases in the prices of wheat, corn, sugar and oils. These soaring prices have had only a modest effect on U.S. inflation, which is still low by historical standards, but they're having a brutal impact on the world's poor, who spend much if not most of their income on basic foodstuffs. The consequences of this food crisis go far beyond economics. After all, the big question about uprisings against corrupt and oppressive regimes in the Middle East isn't so much why they're happening as why they're happening now. And there's little question that sky-high food prices have been an important trigger for popular rage. So what's behind the price spike? American right-wingers (and the Chinese) blame easy-money policies at the Federal Reserve, with at least one commentator declaring that there is "blood on Bernanke's hands." Meanwhile, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France blames speculators, accusing them of "extortion and pillaging." But the evidence tells a different, much more ominous story. While several factors have contributed to soaring food prices, what really stands out is the extent to which severe weather events have disrupted agricultural production. And these severe weather events are exactly the kind of thing we'd expect to see as rising concentrations of greenhouse gases change our climate -- which means that the current food price surge may be just the beginning. - 2011/02/09: CBC: Agrium has record fourth quarter
Shares in Calgary-based fertilizer maker Agrium rose close to three per cent Wednesday after it reported record fourth quarter earnings. - FAO: World Food Situation - Food Price Indices
- 2011/02/09: WFP: Rising Food Prices: 10 Questions Answered
- 2011/02/10: CSM: Rising global food prices squeeze the world's poor
- 2011/02/10: NakedCapitalism: Why the Krugman "I See No Commodities Speculation" Analysis is Flawed
- 2011/02/09: CBC: Chinese drought could be 'severe' -- Wheat prices continue climb
- 2011/02/09: BBC: 'Parasitic' sugar speculators blamed for volatility
Leading sugar traders have blamed recent volatility in the price of sugar on "parasitic" speculators in a letter seen by the Financial Times. Sugar recently rose to its highest price in 30 years. The World Sugar Committee, which represents big traders, told the ICE Futures US exchange that high-frequency traders "enrich themselves at the expense of traditional market users". - 2011/02/08: CBC: Wheat soars on Mideast demand -- Prices also boosted by UN warning of 'serious' Chinese drought
U.S. wheat prices hit 2½-year highs Tuesday amid a spike in demand from Mideast and North African countries trying to increase inventories after soaring food prices helped spur unrest in Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen. March wheat finished up 1.8 per cent at $8.7425 US a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade after reaching $8.8075 earlier in the session. - 2011/02/08: CSM: Brace yourself for the food-price bubble
- 2011/02/07: NYT:PK: Signatures of Speculation
- 2011/02/08: NakedCapitalism: Krugman, Commodity Prices, and Speculators
- 2011/02/06: ZeroHedge: Corn Prices To Soar As Chinese Imports Increase Ninefold Compared To Official Projections
The question of food shortages triggering third world revolution disturbs the comfortable:
- 2011/02/12: MTobis: Egyptian Revolution and Climate Change
- 2011/02/11: CCurrents: Dignity, Bread And Liberty; The Start Of Peak Food Revolutions
- 2011/02/11: EnergyBulletin: Rising food prices and the Egyptian tinderbox: How banks and investors are starving the third world
- 2011/02/11: AFTIC: Mubarak Resigns: Is there a climate change connection?
- 2011/01/31: MercoPress: FAO, IMF anticipate more civil unrest and protests because of soaring food prices
- 2011/02/10: EnergyBulletin: Egypt's warning: Are you listening?
- 2011/02/10: BBC: Bolivian President Evo Morales flees food price protest
Bolivian President Evo Morales has abandoned a public event in the face of an angry protests over food shortages and price rises. Mr Morales was due to address a parade to commemorate a colonial-era uprising in the mining city of Oruro. But he and his team left the city to avoid a violent demonstration by miners throwing dynamite. - 2011/02/11: Asia Times: Crisis in Egypt -- Bread, dignity and lies
- 2011/02/10: TreeHugger: The Environment, Demographics, and the Threat of State Failure by Lester Brown
- 2011/02/09: Grist: Why do states break down? by Lester Brown
- 2011/02/09: PeakEnergy: Egypt and Tunisia usher in the new era of global food revolutions
- 2011/02/04: EricMargolis: For Egypt bread is as important as freedom
- 2011/02/07: ClimateP: The Economist: "The high cost of food is one reason that protesters took to the streets in Tunisia and Egypt."
Nobelist Krugman: "It sure looks like climate change is a major culprit" in the extreme weather that has run up food prices - 2011/02/11: Grist: With global grain prices surging, corn ethanol looking dumber than ever
- 2011/02/10: TreeHugger: Monbiot: Biofuels for Electricity is "Eco Vandalism"
So, are these land grabs Colonialism V2.0?
- 2011/02/09: NatureTGB: Land grabs intensify as local rights are disregarded
- 2011/02/08: TreeHugger: Indigenous Communities Fighting For Land Rights More Than Ever - Governments & Corporations Fighting Back
Regarding the genetic modification of food:
- 2011/02/10: ScienceInsider: With the Greens Gone, Ireland Backs E.U. Liberalization of GM Crops
- 2011/02/07: PlanetArk: USDA Partially Deregulating Biotech Sugar Beets
U.S. agricultural regulators on Friday said despite a court ban, they would allow commercial planting of genetically modified sugar beets under closely controlled conditions while they complete a full environmental impact statement. The move marks the second-such boost by the United States for contested biotech crops in a week, and underscores U.S. determination to expand the use of GMO crops amid rising global fears over food security and surging prices. After approving genetically altered alfalfa last week in the face of bitter protest and after court rulings against an earlier sugar beet approval, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said it would allow Monsanto Co's "Roundup Ready" sugar beets back in the fields this spring. - 2011/02/10: FAO: Further action on responsible fisheries recommended -- FAO Committee notes progress although major issues still need to be tackled
- 2011/02/11: UN: Record food purchases from developing nations helps UN agency [WFP] save more lives
- 2011/02/10: PlanetArk: Indonesia To Boost Rice Stocks Amid Global Food Fears
- 2011/02/10: ScienceInsider: Can the U.S. Farm Fish Offshore Safely?
- 2011/02/10: JQuiggin: Can we feed the world? Will we?
- 2011/02/09: Eureka: Putting trees on farms fundamental to future agricultural development
- 2011/02/08: Grist: On eco-architecture and urban farming: Are you kidding me with your f-ing farm skyscraper?
- 2011/02/07: TreeHugger: View From Above: Fertilizer Use Around the World
A couple of storms spun up in the Indian Ocean. Zaka in the South West Pacific. Now Bingiza is threatening Madagascar:
- 2011/02/13: al Jazeera: [Cat 2] Cyclone set to hit Madagascar
The full force of Bingiza is expected to strike near the town of Mananara Avaratra in the northeast. - 2011/02/10: Eureka: 2 NASA satellites see a newborn tropical storm [Bingiza] near Madagascar
Forecasters at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center were keeping a close eye on a low pressure area known as System 94S yesterday, and satellite data helped confirm that today it has strengthened into Tropical Storm Bingiza. - 2011/02/10: Eureka: NASA infrared satellite data gives System 96S a fair shot at becoming a tropical cyclone
As for GHGs:
- 2011/02/12: CCP: Greenhouse gas emissions set to double unless action taken
- 2011/02/10: PeakEnergy: Australia admits CO2 emissions will balloon
- 2011/02/08: TCoE: December 2010 CO2 numbers
- 2011/02/09: EarthTimes: Australia's emissions to grow by nearly a quarter this decade
- 2011/02/08: ABC(Au): Carbon emissions on track to soar
The Federal Government has released new figures showing carbon emissions are expected to increase sharply under current arrangements. The latest modelling shows emissions are on track to rise 24 per cent above 2000 levels by 2020 despite a range of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures already in place. - 2011/02/11: QuarkSoup: January Temperatures
- 2011/02/11: Ph&Ph: Tackling Global Temperature Data
- 2011/02/08: NOAANews: U.S. Cooler and Much Drier than Normal in January
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2011/02/11: USheffield: Researchers map out ice sheets shrinking during Ice Age
A set of maps created by the University of Sheffield have illustrated, for the first time, how our last British ice sheet shrunk during the Ice Age. - 2011/02/11: NOC: Arctic climate variation under ancient greenhouse conditions
Tiny organisms [cretaceous diatom Stephanopyxis] preserved in marine sediments hold clues about Arctic climate variation during an ancient episode of greenhouse warming. - 2011/02/10: PlanetArk: Past Antarctic Cooling May Help Global Warming Study
- 2011/02/07: BBC: Secrets of Antarctica's fossilised forests
It may be hard to believe, but Antarctica was once covered in towering forests. One hundred million years ago, the Earth was in the grip of an extreme Greenhouse Effect. - 2011/02/10: NOAA:NCEP: El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion
Synopsis: ENSO-Neutral or La Niña conditions are equally likely during May-June 2011 - 2011/02/10: ABC(Au): La Nina the strongest in almost a century
The weather bureau says the La Nina pattern affecting Australia is the strongest since 1917 - 2011/02/11: NASA: NASA's NPP Satellite Undergoing Flight Environmental Testing [National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project (NPP)]
- 2011/02/10: ScienceInsider: Budget Impasse Delays Key Environment Satellite [Joint Polar Satellite System -- JPSS-1]
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2011/02/03: NSF: Wolverines Threatened by Climate Change, Earlier Springs -- Need snowpack that lasts through winter and well into spring
- 2011/02/07: WtD: Ross River virus hits Victoria: increased risk
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2011/02/12: EarthTimes: Brunei accuses Malaysians of tree poaching
- 2011/02/10: HotTopic: Russian roulette with a rainforest
- 2011/02/08: BBC: : Indigenous tribes protest against Amazon dam
Hundreds of indigenous Brazilians have been protesting in the capital, Brasilia, against the construction of what will be the world's third biggest hydro-electric dam. An indigenous leader delivered a petition opposing the project signed by more than half a million people. Environmentalists say the dam in the Amazon river basin will harm the world's biggest tropical rainforest. Brazilian Energy Minister Edison Lobao said construction would begin soon. - 2011/02/08: BBC: Palm oil deal aims to save forests and carbon
- 2011/02/08: ClimateP: Science: Second '100-year' Amazon drought in 5 years caused huge CO2 emissions. If this pattern continues, the forest would become a warming source
- 2011/02/07: PSinclair: "We're going to have just a big brushpile on our hands..": The Amazon's 3 "100 year droughts" in the Last 15 Years
Climate refugees are becoming an issue:
- 2011/02/09: BBC:RB: Climate change: Contrary motion?
- 2011/02/08: PlanetArk: Asia-Pacific At Risk From Climate Migration: [ADB] Report
This week in extreme weather:
- 2011/02/11: PlanetArk: North Australia Set To Face More Weather Extremes, Corals Show
- 2011/02/10: Wunderground: Coldest temperature on record in Oklahoma ; storm leaves 2 feet of snow
- 2011/02/09: CCP: Is severe winter weather related to global warming? Melting Arctic ice causing instability in the polar vortex
As for heatwaves and wild fires:
- 2011/02/10: CCP: Sydney, Australia, heatwave breaks 150-year-old record
- 2011/02/07: CBC: Australia battles wildfires near Perth
2 blazes have razed 1,600 hectares of forested land near Perth since Saturday - 2011/02/06: BBC: Bushfires rage out of control near Perth, Australia
Corals are dying:
- 2011/02/10: ClimateShifts: Coral Reef Baselines
Glaciers are melting:
- 2011/02/10: GreenGrok: Ice on the Rocks: The Latest on Himalayan Glaciers
As for hydrological cycle disruptions [floods & droughts]:
- 2011/02/07: FAO: FAO raises alert on high flooding risks in parts of southern Africa -- FAO helps governments prepare as rising waters threaten food security
- 2011/02/11: CCP: "The Last Drop: Climate Change and the Southwest Water Crisis" by F. Ackerman & E. A. Stanton
- 2011/02/10: Time:Ecocentric: Climate: A New Study Finds That Global Warming Could Dry Out the Southwest
- 2011/02/11: Guardian(UK): China bids to ease drought with $1bn emergency water aid
World's biggest wheat producer resorts to desperate measures in attempt to protect harvest from worst drought in 60 years - 2011/02/11: TreeHugger: Climate Change to Worsen Severe Water Shortages in US Southwest
- 2011/02/11: Wunderground: Another amazingly snowy winter for the U.S.
- 2011/02/10: CCP: Southern Africa May Face Worst Flooding in Decades
- 2011/02/10: CNN: China spends $1 billion to tackle drought
The government invests $1 billion to combat the drought - Some 2.57 million people suffering from drinking water shortages - China's capital goes 108 days without rain or snow, a 60-year record - Authorities seed clouds to try to end the drought - 2011/02/10: CBC: Snow falls in drought-plagued China
- 2011/02/09: Wunderground: WInter storm dumps 2 feet of snow on Oklahoma, Arkansas
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2011/02/12: TreeHugger: New Food Carbon Emissions Calculator Pinpoints Your Diet's True Footprint
Consider transportation & GHG production:
- 2011/02/08: CalcRisk: AAR: Rail Traffic increases in January
- 2011/02/08: TreeHugger: White House Unveils 6-Year, $53 Billion High Speed Rail Plan
While in the endless quest for zero energy, sustainable buildings and practical codes:
- 2011/02/07: PI:B: Province praises local government leadership on green buildings
- 2011/02/08: TreeHugger: The Passivhaus Had North American Ancestry
- 2011/02/03: Guardian(UK): Sustainable design is wearing thin
Sustainability -- all matronly browns and little green arrows -- has drained the sexiness from design. If designers want to do some genuine good, it's time to re-engineer their thinking - 2011/02/07: Grist: Why sustainable design sucks
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2011/02/11: ABC(Au): Carbon capture - pipedream or reality?
While on the adaptation front:
- 2011/02/11: Guardian(UK): Climate change forces UK rare fish reintroduction further north
Environment Agency has changed its plans for the reintroduction of the vendace because of predicted rise in water temperatures - 2011/02/08: NERC:NORA: Greenhouse gas emissions from European soils under different land use: Effects of soil moisture and temperature by G. Schaufler et al.
- 2011/02/08: NERC:NORA: The Effect of Emission from Coal Combustion in Nonindustrial Sources on Deposition of Sulfur and Oxidized Nitrogen in Poland by Maciej Kryza et al.
- 2011/02/09: NERC:NORA: Committed terrestrial ecosystem changes due to climate change by Chris Jones et al.
- 2011/02/10: NERC:NORA: Changes in the potential distribution of humid tropical forests on a warmer planet by Przemyslaw Zelazowski et al.
- 2011/02/10: NERC:NORA: Cumulative carbon emissions, emissions floors and short-term rates of warming: implications for policy by Niel H.A. Bowerman et al.
- 2011/02/10: NERC:NORA: Can the effects of climate change on British bryophytes be distinguished from those resulting from other environmental changes? by Jeffrey W. Bates et al.
- 2011/02/10: NERC:NORA: Greenhouse gas footprinting for small businesses -- The use of input-output data by M. Berners-Lee et al.
- 2011/02/10: NERC:NORA: Estimation of spatial apportionment of greenhouse gas emissions for the UK using boundary layer measurements and inverse modelling technique by D. Polson et al.
- 2011/02/11: NERC:NORA: Geological storage of carbon dioxide by Nick Riley
- 2011/02/11: ACP: The ice nucleation ability of one of the most abundant types of fungal spores found in the atmosphere by R. Iannone et al.
- 2011/02/11: ACP: Solar irradiance at the earth's surface: long-term behavior observed at the South Pole by J. E. Frederick & A. L. Hodge
- 2011/02/11: ACP: Deep convective clouds at the tropopause by H. H. Aumann et al.
- 2011/02/11: ACPD: Characterization of wildfire NOx emissions using MODIS fire radiative power and OMI tropospheric NO2 columns by A. K. Mebust et al.
- 2011/02/11: ACPD: Methane flux, vertical gradient and mixing ratio measurements in a tropical forest by C. A. S. Querino et al.
- 2011/02/11: ACPD: First space-based derivation of the global atmospheric methanol emission fluxes by T. Stavrakou et al.
- 2011/02/10: OSD: North Atlantic 20th century multidecadal variability in coupled climate models: sea surface temperature and ocean overturning circulation by I. Medhaug & T. Furevik
- 2011/02/11: CP: Sea-surface salinity variations in the northern Caribbean Sea across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition by S. Sepulcre et al.
- 2011/02/09: CPD: Impact of North Atlantic - GIN Sea exchange on deglaciation evolution of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation by J. Cheng et al.
- 2011/02/10: ACP: Relating hygroscopicity and composition of organic aerosol particulate matter by J. Duplissy et al.
- 2011/02/10: ACP: A global survey of aerosol-liquid water cloud overlap based on four years of CALIPSO-CALIOP data by A. Devasthale & M. A. Thomas
- 2011/02/07: ACP: Overview of the synoptic and pollution situation over Europe during the EUCAARI-LONGREX field campaign by T. Hamburger et al.
- 2011/02/09: ACP: The European aerosol budget in 2006 by J. M. J. Aan de Brugh et al.
- 2011/02/09: ACP: Anthropogenic sulfur dioxide emissions: 1850-2005 by S. J. Smith et al.
- 2011/02/07: ACP: Soot microphysical effects on liquid clouds, a multi-model investigation by D. Koch et al.
- 2011/02/10: ACPD: Detailed heterogeneous oxidation of soot surfaces in a particle-resolved aerosol model by J. C. Kaiser et al.
- 2011/02/10: ACPD: Global multi-year O3-CO correlation patterns from models and TES satellite observations by A. Voulgarakis et al.
- 2011/02/10: ACPD: Cloud invigoration and suppression by aerosols over the tropical region based on satellite observations by F. Niu & Z. Li
- 2011/02/09: ACPD: Future emissions from oil, gas, and shipping activities in the Arctic by G. P. Peters et al.
- 2011/02/08: ACPD: A numerical study of mountain waves in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere by A. Mahalov et al.
- 2011/02/08: ACPD: Correlation of black carbon aerosol and carbon monoxide concentrations measured in the high-altitude environment of Mt. Huangshan, Eastern China by X. L. Pan et al.
- 2011/02/07: ACPD: Modeling the Frozen-In Anticyclone in the 2005 Arctic summer stratosphere by D. R. Allen et al.
- 2011/02/07: ACPD: The impact of temperature changes on summer time ozone and its' precursors in the Eastern Mediterranean by U. Im et al.
- 2011/02/07: ACPD: Inverse modeling of CO2 sources and sinks using satellite observations of CO2 from TES and surface flask measurements by R. Nassar et al.
- 2011/02/10: AGWObserver: Papers on Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- 2011/02/08: PNAS: (ab$) Applying a regional community concept to forest birds of eastern North America by Robert E. Ricklefs
- 2011/02/08: PNAS: (ab$) Neutral theory as a predictor of avifaunal extinctions after habitat loss by John M. Halley & Yoh Iwasa
- 2011/02/08: PNAS: (ab$) Impacts of climate change on the world's most exceptional ecoregions by Linda J. Beaumont et al.
- 2011/02/05: GRL: (ab$) Satellites measure recent rates of groundwater depletion in California's Central Valley by J. S. Famiglietti et al.
- 2011/01/31: UCSD:Scripps: [links to numerous presentations] IGBP Symposium on Ecosystem Impacts of Geoengineering
- 2011/02/08: OS: Phytoplankton distribution and nitrogen dynamics in the southwest indian subtropical gyre and Southern Ocean waters by S. J. Thomalla et al.
- 2011/02/07: TCD: Characterization of glacier debris cover via in situ and optical remote sensing methods: a case study in the Khumbu Himalaya, Nepal by K. A. Casey et al.
- 2011/02/07: TCD: In-situ multispectral and bathymetric measurements over a supraglacial lake in western Greenland using a remotely controlled watercraft by M. Tedesco & N. Steiner
- 2011/02/07: NatureCF: Our pick of the recent literature
- 2011/02/07: AGWObserver: New research from last week 5/2011
And other significant documents:
- 2011/02/08: TCoE: Doc alert: Poverty, water, and agriculture
- 2011/02/07: TCoE: Doc feedback alert: IPCC Special Report
As for miscellaneous science:
- 2011/02/11: NOAANews: NOAA Studies Atmospheric 'Rivers' Using Unmanned Aircraft
- 2011/02/10: Stoat: Nah, don't believe it
- 2011/02/08: ERabett: As Mr. Dooley Said. . . Trust Everyone But Use the Google
More DIY science:
- 2011/02/10: SkeptiSci: Climate Data for Citizen Scientists by D Kelly O
Regarding Dyson:
- 2011/02/07: RealClimate: The Starship vs. Spaceship Earth
Regarding Lisbon, Curry & etc:
- 2011/02/09: Klimapolis: Well-seasoned perspective
- 2011/02/08: Tamino: Bullseye
- 2011/02/08: CCP: Deep Climate: Post Normal Meltdown in Lisbon, part 1
- 2011/02/07: DeepClimate: Post Normal Meltdown in Lisbon, part 1
Regarding O'Donnell:
- 2011/02/12: ERabett: Some Useful Comments from Elsewhere
- 2011/02/12: MTobis: One Step Ahead of the Shoeshine
- 2011/02/11: ERabett: Two, Four, 88, O'Donnell Gate
- 2011/02/11: Deltoid: O'Donnellgate
- 2011/02/09: RealClimate: O'Donnellgate
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2011/02/10: Guardian(UK): UK auctions 4.4m carbon permits as emissions trading markets reopen
- 2011/02/10: Guardian(UK): UK nets 1bn euros in carbon permit auctions
- 2011/02/08: PlanetArk: Austrian Registry Freezes Stolen EU Carbon Permits
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
- 2011/02/08: EconView: Real Environmental Justice? Alan Blinder says a carbon [tax] is a "miraculous policy" that can cure all sorts of ills
The energy race between China and the USA is on, or is it?
- 2011/02/10: Grist: Are we in a 'clean energy race' with China?
The issue of the law and activism is playing out around the world:
- 2011/02/12: CCP: George Monbiot: The real domestic extremists (environmentalists? NOT!) "Who threatens us most ... peaceful campaigners or a private militia run by police chiefs?"
- 2011/02/09: AlterNet: Young Activist [Tim DeChristopher] Faces 10 Years in Prison After Trying to Save Public Lands From Oil and Gas Companies
- 2011/02/11: ABC(Au): Cundall vows to fight on despite court fine
ABC gardening personality Peter Cundall has been found guilty of disobeying the direction of a police officer during a rally at Parliament House in Hobart. Cundall, 83, and 56 other protesters were arrested after refusing to move from the Parliament's steps during an anti-pulp mill protest in November 2009. He and fellow protester, wheelchair-bound nurse Molly Taylor were today found guilty without conviction and were ordered to pay about $47 in court costs. Cundall says it is disappointing. "We've been found guilty of standing up for the truth and standing up for justice. It's as simple as that," he said. But he says he will continue to peacefully protest against Gunns' proposed Tasmanian pulp mill. - 2011/02/09: CCP: Seven Talks with Tim DeChristopher #6: Climate Movement at a Crossroads
- 2011/02/07: CCurrents: Briana Waters: Victimized By Green Scare State Terrorism
- 2011/02/07: CCP: Seven Talks with Tim DeChristopher #4: The Power of Civil Disobedience [vid]
- 2011/02/07: OilChange: Facing ten years in jail for disrupting Bush's "crime"
What are the activists up to?
- 2011/02/12: TreeHugger: Greenpeace's Coal Free Future Tour Begins a New Chapter of Climate Activism
- 2011/02/12: TreeHugger: Activists, Including Wendell Berry, Occupy [Kentucky] Governor's Office, Demand End to MTR
- 2011/02/11: Grist: Climate hawks can draw inspiration from the Egyptians [McKibben]
Regarding Water Politics and Business:
- 2011/02/11: ScienceInsider: China Confronts Looming Water Shortages
- 2011/02/09: JFleck: On the implications of pumping California dry
- 2011/02/09: JFleck: Nuke Plant Developer Makes Water Economics Pitch
- 2011/02/08: JFleck: Pumping California's Central Valley Dry
- 2011/02/07: CBC: Great Lakes water shortages possible: U.S. [USGS] report
Who's making predictions this week?
- 2011/01/31: SeekingAlpha: Mexico Will Follow Egypt Into Collapse [within two years]
And on the American political front:
- 2011/02/11: KP: Roundup of news and commentary on the Texas rolling blackouts
- 2011/02/11: CCP: Kentuckians Against Mountain Top Coal Removal Confront Governor Beshear
- 2011/02/08: GreenGrok: Revisiting (Not Revising) History: The Reagan-Bush Energy Policy
- 2011/02/11: ClimateP: 4,500 health professionals and scientists urge Congress to implement and enforce Clean Air Act
- 2011/02/10: ScienceInsider: Climate Science, D.C. Style: 'Some Say Yes, and Some Say No'
- 2011/02/11: TreeHugger: 2,000 Health Pros & 2,500 Scientists Ask Congress to Enforce New Clean Air Act Standards
- 2011/02/11: TreeHugger: Lisa P. Jackson's Tough Birthday Week
- 2011/02/10: AlterNet: Energy Independence Goes Awry: Why the Ethanol Boom May Turn Conservation Land into Corn Fields
- 2011/02/10: TreeHugger: Noam Chomsky on Why America Can't Tackle Climate Change (Video)
- 2011/02/10: DeSmogBlog: Koch Brothers Win Big If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved
- 2011/02/09: Stoat: Are the wackos wacko enough?
- 2011/02/09: BBickmore: Utah Republicans: Trash Planet, Head to Space
- 2011/02/08: CCP: Virginia General Assembly vote will weaken state's enforcement of Clean Water Act
- 2011/02/08: CCP: Virginia General Assembly Proposes Dangerous Clean Water Act Rewrite: The Coal Lobby Fights Back by Making it Illegal to Test for Water Pollution Unless...They've Already Found Water Pollution
- 2011/02/09: TreeHugger: Bush's EPA Told Him CO2 Should be Regulated, Was Overruled by Cheney
- 2011/02/08: DeSmogBlog: Coal's Main Man(chin) In Washington
- 2011/02/08: CCP: John Abraham calls claims by Minnesota state rep. Michael Beard concerning aspects of climate science "complete nonsense"
- 2011/02/08: ClimateP: Buffalo News: GOP is undermining environmental progress
- 2011/02/07: Grist: How a lie enters the political bloodstream
- 2011/02/06: ClimateP: Reagan Redux: The Gipper helped save the ozone layer but almost single-handedly ruined America's leadership in clean energy
- 2011/02/06: SlashDot: New Mexico Bill To Protect Anti-Science Education
- 2011/02/08: CCP: Scott Mandia, The New Mexican: Stop Bickering -- Climate Disaster Looms
The BP disaster continues to twist US politics:
- 2011/02/12: PSinclair: Gulf Coast Update: You are Being lied to
- 2011/02/10: ClimateP: Moving the Gulf Coast toward a sustainable future
Some of the Chamber's machinations came to light this week:
- 2011/02/12: AlterNet: US Chamber's Lobbyists Has Firm To Investigate Opponents' Families, Children
- 2011/02/11: FDL: HBGary Fees: "Dam It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta"
- 2011/02/12: IJISH: (Digression) Public relations burglars: Team Themis + US Chamber of Commerce vs. pro-truth movement
- 2011/02/11: TCoE: At war with ourselves
- 2011/02/11: ClimateP: Chamber of Commerce's lobbyists solicited hackers to sabotage unions and smear its political opponents
- 2011/02/11: DeSmogBlog: U.S. Chamber Launches Covert Attacks on Their Political Opponents
- 2011/02/10: TP: US Chamber's Lobbyists Solicited Hackers To Sabotage Unions, Smear Chamber's Political Opponents
- 2011/02/10: FDL: From the ChamberPot: A Carefully Worded Nondenial Denial
- 2011/02/11: NakedCapitalism: Chamber of Commerce Law Firm Studied Disinformation, Smear and Coercion Campaign Against Opponents
The Republican war against the EPA, Obama and science has been engaged:
- 2011/02/12: CCP: GOP Proposes $1.6 Billion Cut to EPA Budget, Defends $4 Billion in Oil Subsidies
- 2011/02/11: NatureTGB: Revised list of cuts would bite deeper into US research
- 2011/02/12: CSW: House Republicans seeking to use crucial budget resolution to kill EPA greenhouse gas regulation
- 2011/02/12: CSM: Republicans take a $100 billion whack at Obama budget
- 2011/02/11: KSJT: Lots of Ink: House Republicans go after EPA, clean energy, and other restrictions on business as usual
- 2011/02/11: NatureTGB: House hearing tackles spending reductions at NASA and NSF
- 2011/02/10: ScienceInsider: House Panel to Take Second Bite Out of Science Budgets
- 2011/02/11: UCSUSA: House Majority Proposal to Slash Funding Would Cripple Federal Science on Health, Environment and Safety Protections
- 2011/02/10: CCP: Constituents in Upton's and Other House Districts: Let EPA Do its Job!
- 2011/02/10: ClimateP: Standing strong for the Clean Air Act -- Late night with the House truth SEEC-ers
- 2011/02/10: PlanetArk: House Republicans Push Energy And Science Cuts
- 2011/02/10: Grist: Clean air is popular, actually -- The people have spoken: let the EPA do its job
- 2011/02/10: Grist: Industry voices support EPA action on Clean Air Act
- 2011/02/09: Grist: Republican congressmen vote away scientific facts
- 2011/02/10: NatureTGB: Climate science in play as US Republicans commence attack on EPA
- 2011/02/09: NatureTGB: Science agencies under fire in US budget battle
- 2011/02/10: NatureN: US science agencies targeted for cuts -- Energy research and environmental regulation among areas hardest hit in [GOP's] proposed budget plan
- 2011/02/10: DM:CCM: GOP Proposes More Science Cuts
- 2011/02/09: EarthTimes: Obama administration battles Republicans over climate powers
- 2011/02/10: LA Times: EPA chief criticizes GOP assault on greenhouse gas regulation
Republicans on the House energy committee have drafted a bill that would take away the agency's ability to curb such emissions. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson says such a move is a threat to public health. - 2011/02/10: BBC: New battle opens on US carbon emissions
The opening salvoes have been fired in a new political battle in the US over greenhouse gas emissions. Having failed to pass legislation through Congress, President Obama wants the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate emissions. But draft measures before Congress seek to squash the EPA's authority. Testifying to a congressional committee, EPA chief Lisa Jackson said the bill ran counter to science and counter to a 2007 Supreme Court ruling. - 2011/02/09: CCP: Republicans Assail E.P.A. Chief
- 2011/02/09: CCP: Republicans attack climate change research at NASA
- 2011/02/09: CCP: Stacked Deck of Climate Denial Jokers
- 2011/02/09: Guardian(UK): Republicans propose $1.6bn cut to Environmental Protection Agency
- 2011/02/09: ClimateP: NRDC's Hawkins: Upton's dirty air bill is "extreme" and "the harm to the economy and jobs that is claimed as justifying this legislation has no basis in fact."
- 2011/02/08: ClimateP: House Energy chair Fred Upton (R-MI) on global warming: "I do not accept that it is man-made"
- 2011/02/08: ClimateP: House Energy and Commerce "Committee from Koch" to conduct global warming witch trial
- 2011/02/09: ScienceInsider: House Spending Panel Would Cut Billions From Research Agency Requests
- 2011/02/09: ScienceInsider: New Science Subcommittee Chair [Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL)] Plans Hearings to Challenge Climate Change Advocates
- 2011/02/09: DeSmogBlog: Who Needs Scientists When You've Got James Inhofe?
- 2011/02/08: DeSmogBlog: Upton's Show Trial To Attack EPA Carbon Controls Set For Wednesday Morning
- 2011/02/09: OilChange: Upton / Koch Committee's Witnesses for Big Oil
- 2011/02/09: UCSUSA: 2500 Scientists Reject Attacks on Clean Air Act
Then there was the Harrison Schmitt episode:
- 2011/02/10: ClimateP: Climate science "denier" Harrison Schmitt out as head of NM energy department
- 2011/02/10: DeSmogBlog: Harrison Schmitt Bails on New Mexico Energy Post
- 2011/02/08: TCoE: Articgate update
- 2011/02/09: CCP: Phil Plait: Moon walker, climate change denier (Harrison Schmitt)
- 2011/02/08: BVerheggen: Arctic sea ice was higher in 1989 cherrypicking by Harrison Schmitt and Heartland Institute
- 2011/02/08: PSinclair: Harrison Schmitt: Environmentalism is Communism
- 2011/02/08: Deltoid: Articgate: Now THAT's cherrypicking
- 2011/02/08: DeSmogBlog: "ArticGate" - NSIDC Confirms Schmitt, Heartland Misrepresented Data
- 2011/02/07: SMandia: NM Energy Secretary Harrison Schmitt Frozen in Denial
- 2011/02/07: CCP: Peter Gleick: Misrepresenting Climate Science: Cherry-picking the data to hide the disappearance in Arctic Sea Ice, by ex-astronaut Harrison Schmitt
- 2011/02/07: KSJT: Santa Fe New Mexican: On op-ed pages, the climate science wars go on, and now we get a cherry-picking charge
- 2011/02/07: DeSmogBlog: "ArticGate" - Heartland Backs Schmitt in Climate Misinformation -- Incompetent or Dishonest - Either Way They're Wrong
The Obama chatter is nonstop:
- 2011/02/09: EconView: "White House to Cut Energy Assistance for the Poor" - Marc Ambinder reports
- 2011/02/08: TreeHugger: White House Unveils 6-Year, $53 Billion High Speed Rail Plan
- 2011/02/08: EcoPolitology: Obama Unveils US' First Offshore Wind Energy Strategy
- 2011/02/07: Grist: Life is hard, and then you subsidize -- What Obama should know about ending oil subsidies
The actions of the Obama administration are being watched closely:
- 2011/02/11: ScienceInsider: Feds Propose Flexible Plans for Resilient Forests
- 2011/02/11: TreeHugger: Lisa P. Jackson's Tough Birthday Week
- 2011/02/10: NOAANews: NOAA Launches Website on Emerging Marine Renewable Energy
- 2011/02/09: NOAANews: NOAA Administrator Keynote Address on Restoration in the Gulf of Mexico
- 2011/02/09: NOAANews: Excerpt of Administrator's Remarks to the Union of Concerned Scientists about Scientific Integrity at NOAA
- 2011/02/09: TreeHugger: US Gov Announces $50.5 Million Offshore Wind Plan
- 2011/02/07: ScienceInsider: Was the Clean Air Act Intended to Cover CO2?
- 2011/02/07: PlanetArk: USDA Partially Deregulating Biotech Sugar Beets
As for what is going on in Congress:
- 2011/02/12: AlterNet: Horrific Bill Takes the GOP's War on Women to a Whole New Extreme
- 2011/02/10: Grist: Care about population? About women? Then you should care that GOP is taking aim at family planning
- 2011/02/10: ScienceInsider: Budget Impasse Delays Key Environment Satellite [Joint Polar Satellite System -- JPSS-1]
- 2011/02/07: NYT:GW: House GOP Supporters of Renewable Electricity Standard in 2007 Will Now Face the Pressure
While in the UK:
- 2011/02/11: BBC: Ministers halt some forest sales after public outcry
- 2011/02/10: Guardian(UK): Bristol's biofuels plant must be refused planning permission
Burning biofuels in power stations is environmental vandalism on a staggering scale -- both in terms of emissions and habitat loss - 2011/02/10: ScienceInsider: With the Greens Gone, Ireland Backs E.U. Liberalization of GM Crops
- 2011/02/08: Guardian(UK): Engineers urge government to act now to 'climate-proof' UK infrastructure
- 2011/02/08: Guardian(UK): The UK must own up to the full scale of its emissions problem
- 2011/02/08: Guardian(UK): Green thinktank warns against using tax cuts to stabilise fuel prices
- 2011/02/10: Guardian(UK): [Letters] We must end our dependence on oil
- 2011/02/09: TreeHugger: [UK] Government Department Slashes Emissions 20% in One Year
- 2011/02/09: BBC: Prince Charles: Climate sceptics gamble with the future
The Prince of Wales has hit out at climate change sceptics for what he calls the "corrosive" impact they have on public opinion. - 2011/02/09: BBC: The government will spend £2.1bn on flooding defences in England over the next four years - a cut of 8% from previous periods, Environment Minister Richard Benyon has told MPs
- 2011/02/08: TreeHugger: Solar Companies Consider Legal Action Against [UK] Government
- 2011/02/07: BBC: Preparing for climate change 'will boost economy'
Early preparation for climate change impacts would bring economic benefits to the UK, say engineers in a report commissioned by the government. - 2011/02/06: Guardian(UK): Solar farms sucking up green subsidies as well as sun
Government funding aimed at encouraging self-generated green power is being diverted to large-scale solar panel installations - 2011/02/07: TreeHugger: Solar Subsidies Too Popular? [UK] Government Considers Review
And in Europe:
- 2011/02/10: Guardian(UK): Hopes of 30% cut in greenhouse emissions dashed
EU energy chief [Günther Oettinger] fears target would lead to a too-fast process of de-industrialisation as compared to current 20% - 2011/02/08: ScienceInsider: E.U. Commissioner Seeks 'Clean Break' From Past Research Funding Strategy
- 2011/02/07: NatureTGB: EU's overdue chief scientist to be appointed this year
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2011/02/11: ABC(Au): Cundall vows to fight on despite court fine
- 2011/02/10: ABC(Au): Flannery insists climate body is independent
The head of the Federal Government's new Climate Change Commission says he is saddened by the Opposition's response to the body. Scientist Tim Flannery has been chosen to chair the commission, which will help build community support for putting a price on carbon. The Opposition says the Government is using the body to justify its plans to push up power prices. Coalition climate action spokesman Greg Hunt says the public will question what value for money they will get from the $5.6 million body. - 2011/02/10: ABC(Au): Flannery to head climate change commission
Former Australian of the Year Tim Flannery has been chosen to head a new climate change commission which has been set up to build community support for a carbon price. The Federal Government-appointed Commission is made up of climate experts and has held its first meeting today. The Government agreed to set up the commission, made up of climate experts, after dumping its election promise of a citizens' assembly. Climate Change Minister Greg Combet says it will work independently of the Government. - 2011/02/09: ABC(Au): The Sunshine Coast Regional Council is making changes to its planning scheme to deal with the impacts of climate change
- 2011/02/08: ABC(Au): Car giants cry foul over green fund cuts
When the Government announced it was axing $400 million in the Green Car Innovation Fund to help pay for the flood recovery, the industry described it as an unwelcome surprise. The $6.2 billion fund was set up during 2008 to help car makers develop cleaner and greener cars. - 2011/02/08: JQuiggin: Depressing ...
- 2011/02/08: BBC: Australia MPs weep for victims of natural disasters
Australia's prime minister and other MPs have wept as they paid tribute to the thousands of people whose lives have been rocked by natural disasters. Julia Gillard struggled to hold back tears while speaking of the 35 killed in last month's floods in Queensland. Powerful Cyclone Yasi compounded the misery of Queenslanders, and wildfires are still burning in Western Australia. She said Australia "watched in horror as day after day a new chapter in natural disaster history was written". At the first parliament opening for 2011, Ms Gillard said the past few months would be "remembered for the force and scale of the natural disasters the nation has endured". - 2011/02/07: BNC: Keeping solid information on nuclear energy on the ALP's discussion agenda by Luke Weston
- 2011/02/07: ABC(Au): Garnaut calls Australia 'a drag' on climate action
The Government's key climate change adviser, Ross Garnaut, says Australia needs to catch up to the rest of the world in its efforts to address climate change. - 2011/02/07: ABC(Au): State Cabinet has met today at Airlie Beach, north of Mackay in the Queensland's north, with Cyclone Yasi dominating discussions
After a 10 year drought and recent massive flooding, water usage planning is controversial and difficult:
- 2011/02/09: ABC(Au): Coalition sets up Water Act inquiry
The Coalition has succeeded in setting up a Senate inquiry into whether the Water Act forces the Government to put the environment first in its plan for the Murray-Darling Basin. The draft plan for the ailing river system calls for water usage to be cut by between 3,000 and 4,000 gigalitres to ensure sustainable flows. The Government says the Water Act allows it to give equal weight to social, economic and environmental factors as it forms its plan to cut water allocations in the Murray-Darling Basin. But the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's chair, Mike Taylor, resigned last year, saying the Act required him to put the environment first. The Opposition's water spokesman, Barnaby Joyce, says the inquiry will establish whether the Act needs to be changed for the plan to give farming communities a fair go. - 2011/02/10: ABC(Au): The Lord Mayor believes Hobart residents should not have to reduce their water usage to avoid higher bills
- 2011/02/10: ABC(Au): Govt to examine increasing size of water storages
The State Government is looking at plans to expand several dams in regional Victoria. - 2011/02/08: ABC(Au): Water levels in the Whirlpool Corner wetland near Paringa are at their highest levels in more than 14 years
- 2011/02/08: ABC(Au): Floodwater from recent heavy rain in South Australia's outback is expected make its way to Lake Eyre
And in New Zealand:
- 2011/02/09: HotTopic: Just as the tide was flowing
While in the Indian subcontinent:
- 2011/02/09: CCurrents: Environmentalism Of The Poor: What Democracy Is Teaching Us
And in China:
- 2011/02/10: PostMedia: The $8-trillion clean-energy bill
It's not easy being green but it's worth it, a panel of West Coast mayors told municipal leaders from across Canada gathered in Victoria this week. "China's plan is to spend $8 trillion over the next 10 years on clean energy, on smart grid energy efficiency. That's $800 billion a year -try wrapping your head around that number and compare it to what we have here," Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson told delegates Tuesday at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities sustainable communities conference at the Victoria Conference Centre. - 2011/02/10: CBC: Diesel, heating oil must have 2% biofuels: Kent
All diesel fuel and home heating oil will have to contain at least two per cent biofuels starting in July 1 this year. Federal Environment Minister Peter Kent made the announcement Thursday in Hamilton along with federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. - 2011/02/09: DeSmogBlog: Environment Minister Peter Kent Claims Climate "Plan Is Working" and Canadians Are "Proud" of Tar Sands
The G20 controversy lingers:
- 2011/02/11: TStar: Police open criminal investigation into G20 arrest
- 2011/02/12: OrwellsBastard: Oh look, the cops are investigating themselves ...again
- 2011/02/11: TStar: Police open criminal investigation into G20 arrest
Police are opening a criminal investigation into the arrest of Natalie Gray, a G20 protester who alleges she was seriously harmed after she was shot at close range with two rubber bullets. - 2011/02/11: DtPB: Toronto G20 protests - More police to be investigated for brutality and illegal arrest
- 2011/02/11: CBC: G20 lawyer wants charges filed against police
The lawyer for a G20 protester who claims to have been shot with rubber bullets by police at a Toronto rally is calling for a criminal investigation of the officers who he says were involved. Clayton Ruby on Friday showed reporters a video that he says shows two officers firing three rubber bullets at Natalie Gray during an east end Toronto protest on June 27. - 2011/02/10: DtPB: Bill Blair: big liar or most useless police chief ever?
- 2011/02/08: CBC: G8-G20 tops [CTF] group's wasteful spending list
The CRTC has proposed changing the criteria of facts in Canadian broadcast media. Much consternation ensues:
- 2011/02/08: BCLSB: CRTC Truth In Broadcasting Reg Changes: Enviro News Will Suffer
In the AECL saga:
- 2011/02/08: PostMedia: AECL seeks another $175 million from taxpayers
Canada's beleaguered nuclear Crown corporation, Atomic Energy Canada Limited, is asking Parliament to approve $175.4 million on top of the $696 million it has already been granted for this fiscal year, according to federal financial documents tabled Tuesday. - 2011/02/11: CBC: Clement to review Encana China deal
Industry Minister Tony Clement said Friday he will review Calgary-based Encana's proposed $5.4 billion joint venture with PetroChina to develop shale natural gas properties in an area straddling the border of northern B.C. and Alberta. - 2011/02/10: EarthTimes: PetroChina to buy 5.4-billion-dollar stake in Canada gas project
- 2011/02/10: BBC: PetroChina buys stake in Encana shale gas project
PetroChina, the Chinese state-controlled energy firm, is to pay 5.4bn Canadian dollars ($5.4bn; £3.37bn) for a 50% stake in a shale gas project run by Canadian firm Encana. The Cutbank Ridge deal marks a further step in a developing energy relationship between China and Canada. - 2011/02/09: CBC: Encana in $5.4B deal with PetroChina
Calgary-based natural gas producer Encana announced a $5.4-billion joint venture deal with PetroChina Wednesday in which the Chinese state oil company will take a half interest in Encana's Cutbank Ridge properties in northern B.C. and Alberta. - 2011/02/10: CBC: Sask. professor named to oilsands panel
The Alberta government has named a University of Saskatchewan water scientist to its oilsands monitoring panel. Howard Wheater holds the Canada Excellence research chair in water security and is vice-chair of the World Climate research program's global energy and water cycle experiment. Wheater also served as professor of hydrology and director of the Environment Forum at Imperial College London. Last week, Helen Ingram from the University of California Irvine resigned from the panel over concerns about "so few scientists" and the lack of First Nations representation. - 2011/02/10: PI: Pembina Reacts: B.C. mayors call for climate leadership from Liberal and NDP leadership candidates
Meanwhile in that Mechanical Mordor known as the tar sands:
- 2011/02/09: PI:B: Report to EU Commission confirms oilsands are high-carbon fuel source
- 2011/02/11: PlanetArk: Alberta Charges Statoil For Oil Sands Water Use
Norwary's Statoil ASA faces charges in Canada of diverting water for use at its oil sands operations in northern Alberta, the province's government said on Thursday. Alberta said the Norwegian state-owned oil company contravened parts of its water license and provided false or misleading information regarding water withdrawals at its facility near Conklin. The province's environment ministry said in a statement 19 charges relate to separate incidents in 2008 through 2010. It did not specify the penalties the company could face. - 2011/02/09: TMoS: Forget About Reforming the Tar Sands
- 2011/02/08: OilChange: Posting the Wrong Message on the Tar Sands
Ontario has it's Green Energy Act, now comes the implementation:
- 2011/02/10: CleanBreak: A solar PV jobs fair in Guelph, Ontario... times have changed!
- 2011/02/11: CleanBreak: Toronto needs to take a serious look at turning its hard-to-recycle trash into energy
- 2011/02/11: CleanBreak: Ontario loses spine and backtracks on offshore wind, a HUGE mistake it will regret
- 2011/02/11: PostMedia: Ontario puts offshore wind-energy, home microFIT projects on hold
Once a shining example of its renewable energy plan, the Liberal government turned its back Friday on offshore wind energy, announcing an end to all projects until further scientific research is conducted. Government officials said the decision was made to further investigate impacts on human health and damage to the natural habitat. Also Friday, energy officials said about 1,000 homeowners applying to its microFIT program are being told they cannot go ahead with their projects because of capacity issues on the grid. - 2011/02/11: CBC: Ont. declares moratorium on off-shore wind farms
Facing a court challenge, a growing backlash and an election, Ontario's Liberal government imposed a surprise moratorium Friday on all off-shore wind farms until there is more scientific research on their impact. The government announced it would not go ahead with off-shore wind projects to generate electricity, saying there's too little evidence on how they may affect people's health. - 2011/02/07: TStar: Ontario to launch $1 million blitz to explain soaring energy costs
While in la Belle Province:
- 2011/02/07: CBC: Shale gas moratorium sought by Quebec groups
Citizens groups in the St. Lawrence valley met in Drummondville, Que., Sunday with the aim of stopping shale gas development in the province. Premier Jean Charest's government initially seemed positive about natural gas mining but has recently cooled its support, announcing in late January that it would wait to see results from a study by the provincial impact-assessment agency in February before deciding how to proceed. But the groups that met this weekend want a moratorium declared now. - 2011/02/04: AlterNet: Vision: How Small, Mostly Conservative Towns Have Found the Trick to Defeating Corporations
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2011/02/10: Grist: Care about population? About women? Then you should care that GOP is taking aim at family planning
- 2011/02/07: CSM: As world population heads toward a peak, Malthusian worries reemerge
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2011/02/11: CCurrents: Can The Earth Survive "Overshoot-And-Collapse"?
- 2011/02/11: CCurrents: Food Bubble Collapse Threatens Survival Of Human Civilization
- 2011/02/08: CCurrents: Extinction Event?
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
- 2011/02/12: Deltoid: The Australian's War on Science 59: Quote Mining
- 2011/02/11: RawStory: Former Fox News employee: 'Stuff is just made up'
A former employee of Fox News called the company a "propaganda outfit" that is determined to undermine the Obama administration and Democrats. "I don't think people would believe it's as concocted as it is; that stuff is just made up," the employee, whose name was kept anonymous, told the liberal media watchdog group Media Matters. - 2011/02/11: DeSmogBlog: Memo to Fox News: Science and Politics Don't Mix
- 2011/02/10: SMandia: Forbes Magazine Uses Astrologer for Financial Advice
- 2011/02/08: KSJT: Beyond paper-of-the-week, beyond multimedia: Taking science coverage in new directions
- 2011/02/07: TreeHugger: How Fox News Debunks Global Warming
- 2011/02/07: JQuiggin: Picking up the gauntlet
- 2011/02/07: DeSmogBlog: New Scientist Weasels Out of Apology
- 2011/02/06: APSmith: Bad Journalism under the Microscope: Pearcegate
Here is something for your library:
- 2011/02/08: EnergyBulletin: [Book Review] _The Tyranny of Oil_ by Antonia Juhasz
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2011/02/12: PSinclair: Gulf Coast Update: You are Being lied to
- 2011/02/12: PSinclair: Alex Loorz -- "We Need a Revolution"
- 2011/02/12: TreeHugger: "Gasland's" Oscar in Jeopardy?
- 2011/02/07: EnergyBulletin: Gas frackers attack fiery documentary
- 2011/02/11: Guardian(UK): Will Carbon Nation succeed where An Inconvenient Truth failed?
- 2011/02/10: TreeHugger: Noam Chomsky on Why America Can't Tackle Climate Change (Video)
- 2011/02/08: SEasterbrook: Climate Change in a Nutshell
- 2011/02/08: HotTopic: An immediate halt to CO2 emissions is an absolute necessity...
As for podcasts:
- 2011/02/12: HotTopic: Something for the weekend: poles, podcasts and Chomsky
Meanwhile among the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2011/02/08: ERabett: Northern Exposure: Canadian Scientists in Libel Lollapalooza
- 2011/02/08: DeSmogBlog: Tim Ball Stands By His Slander
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2011/02/13: Grist: Why you don't want gas to get cheaper [infographic]
- 2011/02/12: MTobis: Mind the Gap [energy]
- 2011/02/11: UN: UN partners with oil firm to promote access to sustainable energy in developing countries
- 2011/02/11: PlanetArk: Analysis: Costly Chile Power May Jolt Renewable Energy
A long drought has dried up hydroelectric power production in Chile, sending electricity costs soaring and making renewable power sources like wind, solar and geothermal more attractive, particularly to energy-hungry miners reaping a copper windfall. - 2011/02/11: Grist: The gobsmackingly gargantuan challenge of shifting to clean energy
- 2011/02/11: BBC: People power 'overlooked by energy policies'
The way that people use and live in their homes has been largely ignored by existing efforts to improve energy efficiency, a study has suggested. - 2011/02/10: EarthTimes: Energy group Vattenfall's annual net profit down 2 per cent
- 2011/02/10: OilDrum: Texas Electricity Blackouts Enabled by Feedback Loops; Reliance on Competition
- 2011/02/10: PeakEnergy: New Zealand [Kaipara] Tidal power station approved
- 2011/02/10: PeakEnergy: New Geothermal Power Plant Opens In US
- 2011/02/08: TreeHugger: Why Energy Companies Invest Next to Nothing in Innovation
- 2011/02/07: NBF: China's wind, hydro, coal and other energy
- 2011/02/08: PSinclair: Graph of the Day: R and D Spending in the Energy Sector --- and Chevron's Irony Deficiency
- 2011/02/07: EarthTimes: Dark days for Nepal during energy crisis
- 2011/02/07: HotTopic: Here comes the sun: 100% renewables by 2050 [WWF]
- 2011/02/06: EnergyBulletin: Brave new world fuelled by clean economical energy possible and imperative by 2050 [WWF]
- 2011/02/06: EnergyBulletin: Fantasies of hyper-globalism: the WWF's Energy Report
Hey! Let's contaminate the aquifer for thousands of years! It'll be a fracking gas!
- 2011/02/12: TreeHugger: Change We Can Live With: Fracking Steers Us Away From A Coal-Fired Future
- 2011/02/10: PlanetArk: Buffalo Bans Hydraulic Fracturing
- 2011/02/08: EnergyBulletin: To 'Frack' or not to 'Frack'?
- 2011/02/07: EnergyBulletin: Gas frackers attack fiery documentary
- 2011/02/12: TreeHugger: "Gasland's" Oscar in Jeopardy?
- 2011/02/07: CBC: Shale gas moratorium sought by Quebec groups
The answer my friend...:
- 2011/02/10: PeakEnergy: A New Twist on Floating Wind Power
- 2011/02/10: ABC(Au): Windfarms to generate power... and cash
- 2011/02/08: ScienceInsider: When Wind Is Reliable: Turbines Help Texans Avoid the Dark
- 2011/02/09: DerSpiegel: UNESCO's Wind Turbine Problem -- Mont-Saint-Michel's World Heritage Status Under Threat
The French island abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel is at risk of losing its World Heritage Status because of plans to build wind turbines that could blight the spectacular view. Campaigners are up in arms, but French President Nicolas Sarkozy is determined to turn France into a world leader in wind power. - 2011/02/07: Grist: Wind power now competitive with coal in some regions
- 2011/02/08: JBowie: Wind energy ready for the major leagues
- 2011/02/07: OilDrum: Norway Preparing for Balancing European Wind Power
Meanwhile among the solar aficionados:
- 2011/02/09: Grist: Southern California Edison signs another big photovoltaic farm deal
- 2011/02/08: TreeHugger: Photovolatic Farm To Cosy Up With Wind Farm
On the coal front:
- 2011/02/12: TreeHugger: Activists, Including Wendell Berry, Occupy [Kentucky] Governor's Office, Demand End to MTR
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2011/02/09: RRapier: Butanol 101
- 2011/02/09: BBC: Palm oil deal points to corporate greening
- 2011/02/10: AlterNet: Energy Independence Goes Awry: Why the Ethanol Boom May Turn Conservation Land into Corn Fields
- 2011/02/10: Yale360: Growth of Wood Biomass Power Stokes Concern on Emissions
- 2011/02/08: EnergyBulletin: Are more people turning to wood heating?
- 2011/02/08: BBC: Palm oil deal aims to save forests and carbon
A major palm oil producer is joining forces with environmental campaigners in a bid to ramp up forest protection. The giant Indonesian company Golden Agri-Resources (GAR) has agreed to work within new standards aimed at saving forests that store a lot of carbon. International environment group The Forest Trust (TFT) is partnering the company and will monitor compliance. The palm oil industry has regularly been accused of destroying old-growth forest as demand rockets. The new deal expands on existing standards agreed under the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), an international alliance of producers, processors, retailers and environment groups. - 2011/02/10: Grist: How to bury nuclear waste for the next 100,000 years
- 2011/02/10: BNC: [mp3] ABC Counterpoint radio on nuclear costs, and new talks
- 2011/02/09: ABC(Au): A confidential report into Australia's only nuclear reactor has made a damning assessment of its safety practises and called for a complete overhaul of its radio pharmaceutical operations
- 2011/02/07: BNC: Keeping solid information on nuclear energy on the ALP's discussion agenda by Luke Weston
- 2011/02/06: JFleck: Energy and water, Utah edition
Yes we have a peak oil sighting:
- 2011/02/10: CCurrents: Peak oil: We Are Asleep At The Wheel by Jeremy Leggett
- 2011/02/11: TreeHugger: Quote of the Day: Jeff Rubin On Alternatives To Oil (Or Lack Thereof)
More people are talking about the electrical grid:
- 2011/02/09: PSinclair: Building the Smart Grid: Part 2
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2011/02/10: UCI: LED products billed as eco-friendly contain toxic metals, study finds -- UC researchers tested holiday bulbs, traffic lights and car beams
- 2011/02/08: WpgSun: Russia fiddling around with Father Time
Hard on the heels of having cut his sprawling country's number of time zones to nine from 11, President Dmitry Medvedev decreed on Tuesday that Russia will remain on Daylight Savings Time in perpetuity. - 2011/02/11: AutoBG: Rising gas prices drive up consumer interest in fuel-efficient vehicles
- 2011/02/09: Grist: Report: U.S. in fast lane to put 1 million electric cars on the road by 2015
In the gas and oil biz:
- 2011/02/10: EarthTimes: OPEC, International Energy Agency raise oil demand outlook
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2011/02/11: PlanetArk: Extreme Weather Batters The Insurance Industry
Who's fielding the FAQs?
- 2011/02/11: Guardian(UK): How do trees and forests relate to climate change?
Joe Romm posts a daily list of top energy and climate stories:
- 2011/02/11: ClimateP: Climate and energy news for February 11...
- 2011/02/10: ClimateP: Energy and global warming news for February 10...
- 2011/02/09: ClimateP: Energy and global warming news for February 9...
- 2011/02/08: ClimateP: Energy and global warming news for February 8...
- 2011/02/07: ClimateP: Energy and global warming news for February 7...
Other (weekly) lists:
- 2011/02/12: RBroberg: Climate News and Blog Recap
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2011/02/12: Tamino: Maybe we're getting through ... ?
- 2011/02/11: Nation: Calling Out the Climate Cranks
- 2011/02/11: CCP: The Denial Machine Keeps Cranking... an essay
- 2011/02/11: DeSmogBlog: Tom Harris: Silly Petitions; Lies of Omission
- 2011/02/10: CCP: Lord Monckton attacked from all sides... by climate sceptics
- 2011/02/10: JKB: Peter Vereecke's Belfort Group
- 2011/02/10: ClimateP: Charles Krauthammer: Global warming is a "religion" -- Washington Post columnist catches Gore Derangement Syndrome
- 2011/02/11: SkeptiSci: Monckton Myth #10: Warming in the Pipeline by dana1981
- 2011/02/09: CCP: What's Up With Watts - Climate Denial Crock of the Week by Peter Sinclair...
- 2011/02/09: ERabett: What Steve and Ryan Knew and When They Knew It
- 2011/02/09: HotTopic: Fools gold: cranks can't count
- 2011/02/09: NatureTGB: Climate skeptic [Tim Ball] makes free speech appeal
- 2011/02/09: JQuiggin: Global warming takes a globe
- 2011/02/08: DeSmogBlog: Oily Strategists Mint Another Silly Climate Petition
- 2011/02/08: BBickmore: The Monckton Files: The Monckton Show
- 2011/02/08: SkeptiSci: Monckton Myth #9: Monckton vs Monckton on heat waves
- 2011/02/08: WtD: "Trust me, I'm a historian": sceptic Gerald Henderson in the hot seat on Q&A
- 2011/02/07: WtD: The boy who denied wolf: climate change and story telling
- 2011/02/06: ClimateP: Fabricated quote used to discredit climate scientist -- Sir John Houghton explains how the anti-science crowd operates
Meanwhile in the 'clean coal' saga:
- 2011/02/07: KSJT: Phil Inquirer: A different take on a report of mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants
As for climate miscellanea:
- 2011/02/12: BNC: Climate Change -- it's complicated, but it's real
- 2011/02/11: RBroberg: UK MET: DePreSys -- Natural Variability
- 2011/02/11: WtD: Generation [A]daptation: the new collaborative blog wants you
- 2011/02/10: MTobis: Not Actually Going Anywhere
- 2011/02/10: TCoE: Government inaction
- 2011/02/08: QuarkSoup: Best Science Blog
- 2011/02/09: Grist: Smackdown: climate science vs. climate economics
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- NOAA:PMEL: Carbon Dioxide Program
- Breathing Earth - CO2, birth & death rates by country, simulated real-time
- Chris Martenson
- NOAA: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
- RRI: Rights and Resources Initiative - Supporting forest tenure, policy and market reforms
- PLoS blogs
- Engineering the Future
- Wiki: Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Wiki: Permian-Triassic extinction event
- Hot Topic - Global warming and the future of New Zealand
- 350 Org
- AGRA: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa
- Wiki: 2007-2008 world food price crisis
- GlobalWarmingArt: Sea Level Rise Explorer
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk(which includes some quotations), An overview of my writing is available here.
-hetP.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
"You can lie to me and you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to mother nature." -Khalihari
Live and direct from the laugh, it's funny, damnit department:
As for the agro-chem corps:
Food Prices are still rising:
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
And how are we going to feed 9 billion?
As for the temperature record:
While on the ENSO front:
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
Meanwhile in the journals:
In Canada, minority neocon PM Harper, continues his do-nothing policy:
PetroChina is buying into Encana's BC shale gas operations:
They found a replacement for Helen Ingram on the tar sands panel:
With Campbell and James both out, BC politics is even more spindizzy than usual:
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
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