Was the Earth Designed for Life?

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This video provides an unbiased look at whether Earth's favorable conditions for life prove that a loving God planned it that way all along. (Hint: There's no other explanation.) [3:45]

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Right. I'm not going to watch, I don't have to watch (yay!), since those "privileged planet" hypotheses was destructed for all eternity this very week.

Astronomers reported the observation of the first double star double planetary disk system. Those stars, each capable of sustaining life in the future, are conveniently separated by a mere 400 AU or so. Which means that any inhabitants would be very much more motivated and capable than us for interstellar travel.

Earth is now officially a hum drum (and slightly sordid seeing the populace as demonstrated by the above kook video) backwater in the galaxy. Deal with it.

By Torbjörn Lars… (not verified) on 05 Jul 2009 #permalink

It's Edward Current, so 'kook' isn't exactly right.

Since the discovery of the plentiful lifeforms on and surrounding deep ocean thermal vents, possibilities for ideal conditions for life must be expanded. Perhaps Noah was more capable than we might know.

Dinsdale! Dinsdale!

The problem is, people without a brain will actually believe Current is: (1) right and (2) on their side. "I exist therefore there is a god" is one of the fundamentalists' favorite "proofs".

By MadScientist (not verified) on 05 Jul 2009 #permalink

What people holding that theory don't want to believe or comprehend is the enormity and infinite vastness their supposed anthropomorphic god has created the universe to be. And that the number of sweet spot orbits and possible combinations for life developing from star stuff (tm) is huge. The idea this little planet is ALL there is in developed living self-consciousness is profoundly self centered and egotistical to the extreme.

By megancyber (not verified) on 05 Jul 2009 #permalink

I don't see how this can be considered "unbiased". The tone of the narration during sequences involving accepted science, indicates that the author finds the scientific explanations preposterous. I accept your faith, I don't accept your ignorance.

^ is this a joke?

By surprised (not verified) on 07 Jul 2009 #permalink

Currant is great fun but he does run smack up against Poe's law.