ScienceWear for my London Visit

Sara, one of my good friends at YellowIbis science t-shirts, sent me some ScienceWear for my London visit! By the way, don't you just love their company name? Anyway, I had to show you the t-shirt I asked for because it's so .. science-y! How can you resist such a wonderful shirt? (Yes, I know, Saint Paddy's Day is long gone, but I am preparing early for next year). I also got two cotton totes (with different designs, one design is pictured above) to carry groceries, so I no longer am faced with the familiar "paper or plastic?" dilemma! Not only that, but I am bringing one tote to London to carry my laptop around -- yes, it's that big and strong! If you are in the EU, you have your own shop where you can purchase shirts and other items so you too can be at the peak of science fashion at the EuroScienceBlogging conference!

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aaAH! there's still time, and who knows who else is going to decide to decide to outfit me for my london visit!