Unveiling our Sciencewomen t-shirts designed by YellowIbis

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgAt last, I am happy to reveal to you our final design for our t-shirt prizes for Donors Choose. They are below the fold, in all their glory, and designed by the awesome YellowIbis. Recall if you donate to our Donors Choose campaign, (note our goal is $2K; we're currently at $876...) and email me your donation receipt we will select 5 people randomly to receive a t-shirt from YellowIbis on top of donating 20% extra. You can choose one of their cool sciencey ones, or our Sciencewomen one. And note, the t-shirts are designed with both men and women in mind.

Thanks, YellowIbis! And everyone, keep those donations (even $5 is appreciated) coming!

See see how cool these shirts are?

Also comes with "scientists" text

Also comes with "engineers" text

Aaaand, the blog url is on the back of the shirt - coverup-able if you don't want to advertise your blog-reading habits at work.

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Awesome, Alice! Thanks to you and yellowibis for putting together such great shirts!

What wonderful t-shirts! Thanks for being such a enthused participant in this year's blogger challenge. Now where can I get my hands on one of those? :)
Thank you
- the DonorsChoose.org team