Religion is Bullshit

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As usual these days, I was awake until the sun came up. So in the wee hours of the morning, I learned that one of my favorite people, George Carlin, died. I've always loved George Carlin even though I've never had the privilege to see him perform live. I especially enjoyed George's comments about religion, but he is so brilliant that I "especially enjoy" many things that he had to say. I know that he lived a long and wonderful life, with little mental or physical deterioration to rob him of his dignity and integrity, but I still think it is tragic that he is gone -- tragic for America, which is lacking in both dignity and integrity. Here's a wonderful streaming video showing the brilliant George Carlin talking about religion .. "If there is a god, may he strike me dead!" [10:13]

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i've been listening to NPR all day (i am an NPR junkie on a bad day) and yes, i thought it was funnier that they had to bleep the words out. especially when Carlin suggests that the words follow a theme, or have some sort of poetry. snert.