Red-breasted Nuthatch

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Red-breasted Nuthatch, Sitta canadensis.

Image: Dave Rintoul, KSU. [larger view].

By the time this image pops up, I will be meeting my hosts, Dave and Elizabeth, at the Kansas City, MO, airport. I'll probably be dragging my dufflebag along, while carrying my precious laptop, digital camera, and binoculars -- all crammed into the super-strong computer bag that I have packed them into. Hopefully, the airlines will treat me well and will allow me to pre-board each flight (I switch planes in Detroit -- another city I've never seen before) so no one touches my arm or shoulder while the boarding rush commences. I might also be worrying that my birding skills are a bit .. rusty .. and wishing that I'd studied my field guides a bit longer than I have.

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I'm about 20 miles from you as you change planes in Detroit -I'll wave as you fly over. Keep an eye out and you might see some of our Sandhill Cranes in the cornfields west of the city. From way up there you might be able to see their little bald red heads against the still-brown fields ;-) Safe travels...

By Kevin Sharp (not verified) on 25 Mar 2008 #permalink