Eastern Phoebe

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Eastern Phoebe, Sayornis phoebe.

Image: Dave Rintoul, KSU. [larger view].

With any luck, by the time you are looking at this image, I will have finished running around the city trying to get last minute tasks completed, such as buying food for my birds, cleaning my birds as much as possible (I've given up on cleaning my apartment and caved-in bathroom so both are complete disasters), doing my looong-overdue laundry (I have no idea how I will do this one-handed since it involves hauling a mountain of dirty clothes down four flights of stairs and piloting it three blocks along the streets to the laundromat and back again), checking my mail and mailing some books, and buying a dufflebag to replace the one that I lent to a friend many months ago.

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At least you're keeping occupied...

Have fun birding - I hope you can report back. Especially if you see any albatrosses.

as a matter of fact, my host posts here under the pseudonym, albatrossity. but you already knew that, right?

And there I was thinking that the Cassini mission had released another image...

Let's just say the choice of albatross was not entirely coincidental.

We are both Church Burnin' Ebola Boys. He can explain. :-)