Top “Ten” Recent Books (focusing on 2012 but including the last few years) on Climate, Science denialism, Energy, and Science Policy are (including one Post Warming novel) are:
- Before the Lights Go Out: Conquering the Energy Crisis Before It Conquers Us
by Maggie Koerth-Baker
- Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand
by Haydn Washington and John Cook
- Deep Water: As Polar Ice Melts, Scientists Debate How High Our Oceans Will Rise (Kindle Single)
by Daniel Grossman, TEDx Books (Kindle Single)
- Fool Me Twice: Fighting the Assault on Science in America
by Shawn Lawrence Otto
- Rising Sea Levels: An Introduction to Cause and Impact
by Hunt Janin and Scott Mandia
- The Aviator (The Burning World)
, a novel by Gareth Renowden
- The Debunking Handbook by John Cook, Stephan Lewandowsky
- The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines
by Michael Mann
- The Inquisition of Climate Science
by James Lawrence Powell
- The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science- and Reality
by Chris Mooney
- The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism John Cook
- Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens our Future
by Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum
Any other suggestions?
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Great list. Thanks.
I will read "The Debunking Handbook". I need a mental template to work from. It's better than reinventing the wheel each time.
Are you able to suggest books about climate change written by actual meteorologists and geologists? Creating a "state of fear" in people's minds over UNSTOPPABLE global w
Greg, thanks for listing several of my books. May I add that the Debunking Handbook and Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism are both freely available for all to download.
John: Yup, those links in the OP will bring people right to the download page for each of those. For others, the link goes to Amazon.
Thanks again for the reminder that "Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism" was available as a free download. Somehow I missed that. Thanks for pointing that out John. I am eager to dig into both of them.
Unless you wear a crystal bracelet, I don't think you should be so defensive... ; )
SR....there are a couple of books there written by climate scientists (meteorologists are not climate scientists, by the way).
A 2009 book I keep rereading is The Long Thaw (Archer...a geophysical professor). A 2000 book I've reread a few times as well is The Two-Mile Time Machine (Alley...a geologist). Both of these are good books (but not recent so not eligible for the list).
Recent discoveries concerning the structure of the solid inner core of the Earth is shedding new light on the issue of global warming. As the center core is cooling, its once smooth surface is now growing new deposits of solid iron mountains over a kilometer in height.
The liquid outer core is spinning a thousand miles per hour around the stationary inner core, functioning as a massive generator that creates and maintains the electromagnetic field surrounding Earth. This EM field protects Earth from solar radiation.
The new mountains are creating two problems that are contributing to global warming. The uneven surface is creating turbulence in the liquid outer core. This turbulence is causing uneven disruptions in the EM field, and creating new north and south poles to appear and move around the globe. These magnetic anomalies may be one of the primary causes of whale beachings.
As the mountains on the central core increase in size, they recreate resistance between the inner and outer cores and the central core is slowly beginning to spin. This is in effect reducing the power generated by the two central cores and the EM field is shrinking at a half life of 1400 years.
The reduction in the power of the EM field means it cannot protect Earth from solar radiation as effectively. More solar radiation is being experienced all over the planet, warming Earth and melting glaciers. This process cannot be stopped.
It was this same process that killed the planet Mars, and in time Earth will die as well. Perhaps our search for new planets are far more important than we currently believe. We might need them to survive as a species.
Comments welcome.
Ivis, there has been considerable research looking into the solar cause of warming you refer to. It isn't happening. That's just wrong.