Opinions Void of Facts are Just as Valid as Those Based on Facts

... well, that would sure make things a lot easier...

Sean Hannity's ... feigns dismay at the idea that Christians don't have any signs up in the NYC Subway system.

I am trying to imagine the outrage, because it isn't happening. There are pro-Christian signs all over the NYC subway system. It shouldn't take too much to ask one of his underlings about this kind of thing before he makes this kind of statement. But, this is another example of how he likes to fan the flames of a nearly non-existent "culture war" being waged by what his cohort Bill ORLY refers to as the "Secular Progressives."

Read the post here.

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Thanks! I just hope your readers understand that I am being a bit snarky in this one. There is no EAC, and certainly not one that actually accepts that Christianity is the one true...Crap! Gotta go.

I've just kind of been sitting back watching the conservatives immolate themselves.

It's kind of fun.

Anyone want a beer?

(Also, I think it needs to be stressed, repeatedly, that much of the crap going on in the United States can be chalked up to the fact that most people are either insane, stupid, or both.)

By Katharine (not verified) on 25 Oct 2009 #permalink

Bimodalism is the future.

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 26 Oct 2009 #permalink


Unfortunately the tendency for those composing the lower mode to 'enjoy' guns and oppose 'lernin' suggests a corrective strategy whereby they can return to a normal distribution centered about their norm.

Not a future I seek.