Bush Will Invade Iran, Obtain 45% Approval Rating

I'm going to make a prediction. Just remember, you heard it here first....

First, let's lay out a few truths that need to be understood in order to embrace this bold prediction.

You may have noticed the latest news on the shenanigans the Iranians are playing with the US navy. They've been driving boats at US warships, throwing boxes (possible mines) into the water in front of the ships, etc. What you may not realize is that this sort of thing is actually happening all the time. Military and paramilitary (read "terrorists" in some cases) units at borders in hot zones are always spoofing each other. The ship that exploded on contact with the USS Cole (a US warship) was the fourth or fifth such boat to attack a US warship in that area over several months. This recently reported incident with the Iranians and the US Navey is really just one of a series of events that are normally not reported. Such events are always there, ready to be used for either military or political purposes. The fact that we are being told about this now means that some such purpose may be at hand.

In the 1980s, the US and Libya were busily engaged in non-letha dog fights, pretending to try to shoot down each other's military aircraft, in the vicinity of the "Line of Death" in the Gulf of Sidra, for years. At one point, it was easy for President Reagan to use these hostilities as part of the justification for bombing Libya.

In the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam, the US military was able to claim that North Vietnamese forces attacked them, but the interaction between the two country's military was actually an ongoing game that could was normally kept in the background and only publicized as needed to justify US military action that ramped up our involvement in Viet Nam.

Similarly, interaction between North Korea and the US Navy and between army forces in the Korean DMZ is an ongoing activity, sometimes developing into an international incident, often just below the radar screen but always there to use in a broader political or military ploy.

For many years, in the Eastern Mediterranean, US and Israeli warplanes routinely flew aggressive missions on Syrian and other radar installations, causing the Syrians to on alert, painting the jets with radar, and then getting blasted by anti-radar technology.

And so on.

Military forces of unfriendly groups, where they interact, are always spoofing each other.

Meantime, there are dozens of messy diplomatic, "humanitarian," or quasi military incidents going on all over the world. When George Bush Senior invaded Somalia after he lost the election to Bill Clinton, it was not the case that the situation in Somalia was unique. Unrest, humanitarian crisis, repressive governments keeping food from people they don't like, inter-tribal conflict, and so on are happening all over the world, in dozens of places, at any given moment.

A US president can pick and chose, at any given time, among numerous possible invasions if it happens to be politically expedient to carry out an invasion. Between the border-spoofing and a long list of ongoing local crises, there are dozens of potential military actions that can be chosen, as needed for a political purpose. Such as raising one's approval rating, or sticking it to a political enemy.

You know that presidential approval ratings always go up when fresh warfare breaks out, and then these ratings usually go down when the futility, the costs, and the insanity of the act of war becomes apparent.

When George Bush Senior invaded Somalia, he committed one of the most egregious acts of cynicism possible for an American politician. He bumped himself up and made himself look like a guy who could make tough decisions and had a compassion for the needy, and at the same time handed his political enemy a very nasty mess to deal with starting with the first day in office. All presidents enter the oval office with an agenda of things they want to get done, things the electorate saw fit to support in the voting booth. But all presidents at some point run into crises that interfere with that effort. Clinton had his first distraction handed to him by the Republican loser. Later, early in Clinton's presidency, left over Republican sympathizers helped to make sure that things went as badly as possible in Somalia, to make Clinton look bad, even though this cost numerous lives.

That is how Republicans work.

There are indications that George Bush Junior intends to leave office with a higher approval rating than he has now (he is now in the low 30's). Aides are openly predicting that he will be at a 45% rating when he leaves office. But I think the Washington insiders who are interpreting this prediction are missing the point, probably because of disinformation that this improvement will come from domestic policy actions. What I see happening is a set-up for an invasion, probably of Iran, within a couple/few weeks after the election, if a Democrat wins the White House.

George Bush is going to hand Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or whoever an invasion of something, somewhere, quite possibly Iran but possibly a nearby middle eastern state, or, perhaps a Latin American state, as a very unpleasant house warming gift. You can bet on this.


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Correction: That is how politicians work.

Not that I'm in any way a Republican supporter (perish the thought) but lets not pretend that the Dems are significantly different in this regard. See, for example, Clinton's bombing of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory.

Do you really think that his approval rating would go up by starting another war right next door to the already unpopular war?

I can see him doing it, but I really don't see it giving him any benefit in ratings or polls in general.

By Chris Hanson (not verified) on 11 Jan 2008 #permalink

Given that we're overcommitted in Iraq and about to send 3,000 more Marines to Afghanistan to try and put down the Taliban "surge", I don't see how it's even remotely practical to "go to war" in Iran!

Yes, we can bomb them all we want, but I'm not sure that this will go down too well with a skeptical public in the US or elsewhere in the West.

We don't actually know if the said "incident" really happened. It could be complete fiction. And a show of belligerence there from us will certainly unhinge the Mddle East.

If he does he'll create the permanent majority Rove has been working so hard to create. It will just be a permanent democratic majority.

What I see happening is a set-up for an invasion, probably of Iran, within a couple/few weeks after the election, if a Democrat wins the White House.

George Bush is going to hand Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or whoever an invasion of something, somewhere, quite possibly Iran but possibly a nearby middle eastern state, or, perhaps a Latin American state, as a very unpleasant house warming gift. You can bet on this.

I sure hope you are wrong Greg! But wars and skirmishes have been used as smokescreens and for many other political purposes over the centuries so maybe you are right. Everyone will give you credit for your very fine blog being where we heard it first, but I hope you hope with what I hope is most of us that the prediction doesn't come true. Keep up the great work and have super weekend!
Dave Briggs :~)

Moving nuclear warheads around doesn't make you the least bit worried? Smirky may have in mind nuking Iran to be his proudest achievement.

By Globle Warren … (not verified) on 11 Jan 2008 #permalink

Is there some rational reason for the long lame-duck period in the US presidency? Maybe back when travel and communications were slow, but now? A leader who still has all the power but no accountability any more seems like a baaaad idea.

You are assuming that the new president will be allowed to take office after Bush starts his next war.

That is a rash assumption. A new war, due of course to a 'surprise attack' by Iran would be a perfect neo-con 'emergency' excuse to keep fratboy in the White House. Hey, it worked for his buddy in Pakistan didn't it.

Pls write about right iran america will attack or not

By Muhammad Hanif (not verified) on 02 Feb 2008 #permalink

You can bet on this.

I'll take that bet. It's incredibly unlikely that your prediction will come true, given how overstretched our military is and how low the support is for any new military misadventures.

How much do you want to bet? Really. It's money in the bank for me, come January 20, 2009.

Orac: No way am I taking that bet. All the people who lost the last bet, about Somalia, still owe me money. I'd rather remain friends.

Guess you feel pretty stupid now, huh?

By Bill Paisley (not verified) on 28 Mar 2011 #permalink

I'm always wrong about shit like this. And no, I'm not feeling especially stupid.

I do feel kinda like you're an asshole, though. How do you feel about that?