Mendel's Garden & Other Announcements

Three things:

  1. A new edition of Mendel's Garden has been posted at Neurotopia. Go read the latest genetics blogging.

  2. The anecdote at the beginning of my rant about elevator usage needs a slight correction: I think the grad student who took the elevator down has a bum knee (it's a new injury). I'm not too disappointed that she took the elevator, as walking down stairs sucks when your knee's screwed up. That's what I get for passing judgment without knowing all the facts. But that doesn't make up for all the perfectly healthy people who ride the elevator despite the fact that they don't need to.

  3. The motherboard on my laptop is fried, so I'm using a backup computer until it gets fixed. Blogging may be near non-existent during that time, as I no longer have a working computer at home. As if anyone really cares.

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