Mendel's Garden #6

The sixth edition of Mendel's Garden has been posted at The Voltage Gate. Like Ice Cube, MC Ren, and Eazy-E, this one's straight outta Compton. Go check it out to see what NWA gots to do with genetics blogging. I know I'm pimpin' my Raiders hat over a Jheri curl right now.

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Three things: A new edition of Mendel's Garden has been posted at Neurotopia. Go read the latest genetics blogging. The anecdote at the beginning of my rant about elevator usage needs a slight correction: I think the grad student who took the elevator down has a bum knee (it's a new injury). I'…
Trevor has posted the newest edition of Mendel's Garden at Epigenetics News. Go check out the best genetics blogging of the past month. Also, we need hosts for the upcoming editions. If you'd like to host the June, July, or August editions, please email me (see the contact tab at the evolgen…
The ninth edition of Mendel's Garden has been posted by the collective of Oregon State grad students known as Salamander Candy. Go read the month's best genetics blogging.
Welcome to the October 15, 2006 edition of Mendel's Garden. Join me as we walk through the fields and admire the harvest. Evolutionary genetics As we stroll into the evolutionary biology plot, we notice a shape in the ground that looks suspiciously like a footprint. Who walked this path before…