The Seven Year Mitt

Too hilarious. Mitt Romney, one of the most successful fundraisers of the Republican dopefuls who still can't get any traction even among the right wing Republican base, may be one of the more gullible. No, I guess the three scientific midgets who publicly declared they don't believe in evolution (Brownback, Tancredo, Huckabee) have to take that prize. But he's at least a runner-up. We honor him because he actually believes the French have instituted a seven year marriage renewal option:

"It seems that Europe leads Americans in this way of thinking," Romney told the crowd of more than 5,000. "In France, for instance, I'm told that marriage is now frequently contracted in seven-year terms where either party may move on when their term is up. How shallow and how different from the Europe of the past." (WaPo via Ana Marie Cox via Atrios)

It turns out, however, this is not anything they do in France. Not that WaPo fact checked this when they reported it without comment. The source is presumed to be from the plot of a novel by fellow Mormon Orson Scott Card:

Card's book with the seven-year marriage contracts? It's called "The Memory of Earth," and it is a fictionalization of the Book of Mormon set in outer space. Of course, Romney could believe the French are aliens. And, yes, Romney laid down this thunderous helping of nuttitude at Regent's University, Monica Goodling's alma mater. (Ana Marie Cox, Swampland/Time)

Regent University? "Christian Leadership to Change the World."

One government agency at a time.


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Don't know if you heard. But the same Mitt Romney said at the republican party debates that his favorite book was...

Not the bible...
Not the Book of Mormons...
Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard

I'm starting to think Mitt might actually be the alien.

Battlefield Earth?!?? Willard "Mitt" Romney has gone from being a Mormon to being a Scientologist? That can't be true, no matter that Willard seems to have traded one working brain cell for every single one of his gorgeous, gorgeous follicles. I mean, I spent twelve years in parochial school, so when my college dormmates implored me to embrace the wisdom of Marxism or Objectivism, I could inform them that the intellectual version of smallpox gives one a life-long immunity to cowpox.

By Anne Laurie (not verified) on 11 May 2007 #permalink

Anne Laurie: LOL.
Darin: He corrected himself later, saying that it was his favorite novel. The Bible is his favorite book. Does that mean he thinks one of them isn't fiction?

And Obama thought that 50,000 people where whacked in Kansas...and he corrected himself.

I for one believe in evolution, but I am a believer too. Rads on both sides of both parties are going to fall by the wayside pretty quickly and by December as we get closer to the election in 08. The disconnect will start and the realization that they had better start talking issues rather than GWB is going to hit them all. People are already ranking the Congress with a lower performance rating than Bush. Pelosi is in the 20's, Reid is a little better at 31. Sheryl Crow has better ratings, but she lost a lot when it was found that her one sheet of toilet paper thing was a bunch of crap. Her signature guitars are made from the finest hardwoods in the world, all from the Amazon, Africa and Indonesia.

So the crap flows freely.....

I wouldnt beat any of them up too much just yet though...They will start to eat each other pretty soon and its going to be fun to watch.

Watch for Billary to spring to the center, Obarmy to come up with more stuff that promises everything just to get elected. The Manchurian Candidate Big Al will enter the race too. Fred Thompson might also get into it.

The most clean guy out there isnt running-Bill Frist. He went back to Nashville and is doing heart surgeries on indigents while building his practice back up. He was the front runner. Nope, just gave it up and went back to treating the sick.

Its all way too funny. My mother in law is a S. Baptist and we watched the debate together. The subject of MITT came up. He's a MORMON she said. The inference that he is contaminated with something was there. I dont think I could vote for him in all conscience she says. Turned to her and asked if it was a choice between Mitt and Hillary that of course she would vote for Hillary.

Gee I like to start fights........

By M. Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 12 May 2007 #permalink

very ilarious.. I'm a french alien.
I 'm married for 20 years.
never heard about a seven years marriage. :-)

Randy: I know Frist is a friend of yours, but if he is the cleanest guy out there, we are in big trouble, a water carrier for Big Pharma, not to mention the HCA stuff his family is involved in. He gave it up because he was a non starter, not a front runner. Hillary will move left? (i.e., to the center?). We'll see. This is like bird flu. I have no predictions. It could be really, really bad or just not so bad. "Good" doesn't seem to be one of the options. Maybe it will be Brownback or Tancredo or Huckabee and with evolution out of the picture we won't have to worry about bird flu because the virus won't mutate.

Yeah, I have to say, I'm not sure the president's position on evolution is enormously relevant to me. Especially when I am almost certain it was decided by consultants reviewing polling data and demographics for the early primary states. Let's see, I smoked dope but didn't inhale; I think abortion should be safe, legal, and rare; I want a kinder, gentler America; A hand up, not a hand out; etc. I mean, maybe some of those statements even happen, by accident, to reflect the real beliefs of those candidates.

By albatross (not verified) on 14 May 2007 #permalink

Ever hear the one about a politician at a cannibal restaurant? It goes like this-

Waiter at the restaraunt asks the people what they will have for dinner as they look at the menu.

First guy says-"I'll have the missionary-12.00."

Second guy says-"I'll have the doctor-18.00."

Third guy says-"I'll have the relief worker-16.50."

Fourth guy looks at the menu and says, "It says here politician $350.00. Why so much for the politician?"

The waiter says "You know how hard it is to catch and clean one?"

No Revere, he is a water carrier if you ascribe to the thoughts of UHC. He was moving within a system that of course people other than him set up. As for HCA yep he made a lot of money as he is afforded to in this country. There are those that vilify people that make money, or too much of it in their opinions.

Even Soros is due that regardless of what he does as a Dem operative it is legal at least for now what he is doing and has done. So when did it become a crime to ascend to political aspirations? When did it become a crime to turn around each time you make a move, have some prosecutor try to indict you not for a crime but for obstruction and mostly obstruction only in his eyes. They dont get them any more for crimes, only obstruction.

Shortly I think that all of this is going to come to a head and you'll never see UHC as a result. I think that a collapse of some kind will happen. As for evolution, no one has ever read your papers and thoughts in the Republican Party. I have been perusing them for a while now. Good Shit without a doubt and always well presented. For the Republican Party to survive they have to move back to slightly right of center rather than this all encompassing God is everything kick which borders on psychotic. God gives us the free will to choose and they have chosen almost a Muslim clerics position. As a result of the middle has shrunk with the last 20 years and its two camps, and it will lead to our downfall. End of the day is that I will agree and disagree with you on many things. But I aint going to do anything more than scratch my head, and then head down to the barbeque with you when my candidate either wins or loses in November of 08.

There is a major disconnect by both major parties with the people and when that happens you get a Tancredo, a Jesse Jackson...huh Al Sharpton. All of them likely believe the shit they shovel, but it still doesnt take the stench off of it.

Albatross-You are right. No politician ever gets to where he wants without taxation or the removal of it. That hand up you speak of never came from anyone but someone else who believed in it.

By M.Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 14 May 2007 #permalink