Scienceblogs is running a contest where you can win a five-day trip for two to one of the world's greatest science cities. All you have to do to enter is post a comment one of the blogs here. So if you just read my blog without commenting, this post is your chance to delurk and maybe win a pretty nice prize. You can comment using a pseudonym, but you'd better give a real email address or you won't be able to collect the prize if you win.
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To celebrate the fast-approaching 500,000th reader comment, ScienceBlogs is running a contest.
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When the 500,000th comment…
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I'll kick things off.
You have my thanks for your hard work on Lott, DDT, global warming denialism and other unpleasantness that you have chosen to tackle.
To give you a sense of your readership, I'm a 40ish land use / water rights lawyer in Orange County California. White, male, married, no kids.
I'm game. I read your blog a lot--it's on my RSS feed. I enjoy your debunking of the "debunkers." I'd say this is a thankless task, except I'm thanking you right now. It does, unfortunately, seem to be an unending task.
I also like "Good Math, Bad Math," even though it often is above my poor head...
I'm a 33 y/o Viticulturist in the South Bay Area of California. I don't post because generally all I have to say is, "Thank you. I'll file that away and blast it at the next wingnut that gives me the opportunity."
Hi, Tim!
I read your blog on my aggregator, and it's fantastic. Keep up with the good work.
I not only read your blog, but I bookmark several of your posts in so I can find them rapidly later when confronting, say, a climate change or DDT crank. Keep up the good work.
Tim, you have one of the best science blogs around. (I have a doctorate in chemistry so I know a little about science.) I have found the information here invaluable. Thank you!
On a related note, I recently was involved in an argument with a former collegue about DDT. He made the standard assertions that environmentalists had caused countless deaths by banning the pesticide. I was able to thrash him pretty thoroughly with the info and links provided here. Sadly he never admitted he was wrong. The only evidence he could provide for his position was an appeal to the authority of one Jackie Cattani, an epidemiologist at the University of South Florida. Apparently she lectures to college students about evil environmentalists banning and limiting access to DDT for malaria control:
She certainly has the credentials to speak authoritatively on the subject having worked for the WHO on malaria control but if you scroll down to her 22 slide she references! Amazing!
Hi, delurking to say that I'm a computer scientist working at UVA, and I enjoy reading your posts.
I only lurk because I don't feel comfortable unzipping my ignorance and waggling it about for all to see. I'm terrified that my comment will be picked up by one of the Hilarious Enemy as an example of the kind of rube attracted to your blog.
No, I come here to watch you kick nine colours of crap out of fools. I don't need to strip off and streak the playing field - I'm content to be part of the amorphous crowd-rumble of the hit ticker.
Play on, sir!
Hi, I'm not exactly a lurker, but if you take this competition seriously, I suppose I can as well.
The work you do is awesome. Only problem is, there should be ten of you. Every so often I come across an area where I have no prior experience, but reason to suspect that there may possibly be a market for distorted science... and it's one of the ones you don't cover. What do I do then? I can of course do a little research to try my suspicions (apparently the nurse who runs has written for both AEI and Tech Central Station - warning bells are ringing!) but what can I do? My research skills just don't compare...
If you didn't do this, we'd have to pay you for it, you know.
I concur w/ the above...Deltoid is always a good read...I look forward to more!
Tim, others hav esaid it, but you're great at knocking down the AGW deniers.
I'm a late-in-life (well, 40-ish) PhD student in Canberra who's pretty much given up on the mainstream media and depends on a set of blogs for much of my information--Deltoid being one of my favourites. I'd like to add my thanks for your hard work and regular postings.
Free trip come to daddy!
Ahh, Deltoid: come for the patiently consistent application of fact, stay for the piñata!
Sounds good to me. I wonder what comment number I have here?
well thank you for a nice blog then! :)
When I grow up I want to be just like you, Tim!
Why not? :)
I enjoy reading your blog. I don't post much because I don't have the time to keep up a conversation on these topics... but I like seeing your analysis and links.
I would like to say I enjoy reading this blog - it is one of about half a dozen that get checked daily - and also the comments within. Well, most of them anyway. Keep up the good work!
Get real Chad !! That MY free trip you're talking about :-).
Thanks for your hard work Tim (and your regular contributors too). Always a great read with plenty of humour and I must admit I usually start an evening's cruising with Deltoid. Really loved the thread about Fumento and the exploding head work by David Kane.
Lurking ...
Hi Tim,
I enjoy your blog - especially for DDT related info, and what the neo-cons are getting up to down under.
I'd love to win the prize - but what is that going to do for my carbon footprint??
Thanks, Tim, for your commitment to fact and reason. It's refreshing.
Austin, TX crackplogger here who really enjoys your DDT/Carson rebuttals on reason's H&R blog (not that it ever penetrates the echo chamber there, but there's probably 1000 readers for every poster, and those DO stand a chance of being corrected in their delusions).
Cool! This is one of my favourite science blogs. Tim you do a fabulous job and your writing style makes it a really fun read.
Hi Tim,
Like others here, I'd like to express my appreciation for the excellent work you do.
As a fellow battle scarred proselytizer for taking global warming seriously - with the slight difference that I take the message into the pubs of our fair land.
Must check on the C footprint for beer.
Long time fan - I come here for my daily mental exercise. How is that an argument? Aha! How is that not an argument? Hard de har har.
I hugely admire the sheer persistence not only of Tim but the other champion commenters here, who keep coming back day after day to dong the nongs who never listen, for the sake of people who might be conned into taking them seriously.
Mr Gould and Mr Harvey are particular pleasures, but there are many more.
Hmm. I read that headline as "Debunk and win!" I thought: "Great, I'd love to! But what would I have to debunk? Not something important, I hope."
It's a shame cambridge uk is the favorite, i'd prefer a trip to the states. Shows you also the bias of the poll: all americans of course prefer a trip to europe.
PS I had difficulties posting comments earlier.
Great blog. Unfortunately, your link to TypeKey doesn't work.
I guess no-one uses Typekey... I fixed it.
I would certainly like to win the contest.
Seems worth a moment. ;)
Deltoid and Pharyngula are good for my edumacation.
Is the competition a beauty contest or a lottery?
is this comment an eligible entry?
Just to move this onto the current lists, so we can post nonsense, antiscience, ideology, and gratuitous comments.
I'd like to thank all the people who work behind the scene, pasting the photons, pushing the electrons around, and especially Bush, Gore, and Mbeki, for what they have done to encourage scientific engagement in the world (so maybe it's not all positive).